10 Rules For Finding Love In America's Demoralizing Dating Scene, According To Master Matchmaker
Are you ready to open your heart to someone special?

Research from Michigan State University shows that writing down our goals will give us a higher chance of achieving them.
Before I start typing, I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and breathe — an important pause because this is the moment of truth. This is when I look back and get "real' about my life.
I acknowledge what is working and admit to myself what isn’t. And I think about what I want. Not what my parents, my kids, or my friends want me to want — but what I want.
Am I living up to my expectations? Am I doing my best? Am I accomplishing things that matter? Is my life going in a good direction? And the most important question of all is, am I happy?
If it's your goal to find love, here's what you must do.
Here are 10 rules for finding love in America's demoralizing dating scene:
1. Believe 'this is the year I am going to find love'
You might have to put dating before your social life and work. You will set aside at least two nights per week to date and will make it your number one priority. You won’t just talk the talk. You're going to walk the walk.
2. Change your attitude about dating
Because there are great men out there, and you will do what you need to do to find them.
3. You must leave your house
You will get off the couch and out of your house, even when you're exhausted from work or would rather lounge around in sweats.
You will go to singles events, meet-ups, happy hours, and every single party you're invited to. You need to put your energy into meeting someone because the odds are, it won’t just happen.
Los Muertos Crew / Pexels
4. Regularly smile and chat with strangers
Not just because you want to meet men, but also because you want to share your positive energy with others.
Everywhere you go, you will smile, chat, and share yourself with those around you. You will put down the cell phone, look up, and make real connections.
5. Tell all of your friends, family, and coworkers that you are available and want to be fixed up
You will let them know that you appreciate every introduction, even if it doesn’t work out.
6. Create a dating profile with a unique, positive, playful, and sincere profile with excellent photos taken by a professional photographer
The best way to meet single men is to date online, and you're not going to miss the opportunity.
According to a study done by The Knot, most couples surveyed had met their significant other online.
7. Burn your 'must-have' list
If you're so smart and know what your ideal man looks like, then why haven’t you found him yet?
You will let go of your “type” and will date a wider range of men. Maybe you’ll date a little older or a different race. You challenge the Universe to surprise you and know it will take care of you.
8. Learn how to be a great date
I will walk into my dates without expectations knowing that I might make a new friend. You will be warm, kind, positive, a great listener, and will always be appreciative.
You'll smile, be upbeat, and have fun on your dates. You will leave negativity and talk of past relationships at the door.
9. Don't take anything personally
You know you're fabulous, but not every man will realize this. If someone isn’t interested in you, it's not about you.
That’s about what he’s looking for. The man you're going to fall in love with will think you're amazing exactly as you are. He will be excited to date you and will show consistently with his words and his actions.
10. Don't get discouraged or give up, if you have a bad date
This is going to take commitment and hard work, but in the end, it will be worth it.
You need to keep your chin up and have a positive attitude because love is just around the corner. This is going to be the year that you find love because you are going to make it happen.
Be excited and say “thank you” in advance for the wonderful man who is about to enter your life.
Michelle Jacoby is a matchmaker, a dating coach, a relationship coach, and a dating and relationship expert. She is also the owner of DC Matchmaking.