10 Reasons You Should Marry An Emotionally Complex Woman
She might seem like a lot, but that's because she loves so fiercely. Here is why you should love an emotional woman.

Captivating, passionate, opinionated, and unapologetically layered, the emotionally complex woman is a mixture of emotions she's able to express deeply, sincerely, and often.
This doesn’t mean she’s high drama, loud, or running low in self-control, it simply means she’s a thinker, and even when quiet, those still waters run deep.
While not for every man, she’s downright magnetic to the thinkers and feelers who appreciate witty banter, theoretical conversations, sensitive gestures, and thoughtful debates. And here's why everyone should be interested in loving an emotional woman.
Here are 10 reasons you should marry an emotionally complex woman:
1. She’s not only interesting, but she’s also interested
...And in a hell of a lot more than what kind of car you drive, where you vacation, and how much your salary-plus-bonus equates to. She will want to know why you choose to do what you do with your life if it makes you happy and what other interests you have aside from it.
She’s happy to share information about herself, but she gets joy in hearing what others think and feel and what motivates them. This is how she connects with those around her.
2. She’s never boring
The emotionally complex woman is alive. Whether she’s sipping champagne, biting into a new cuisine, in a fit of passion in the bedroom, or enthusiastically sharing the joys of her day (or reacting to yours), this is a woman who's big on enjoying each and every experience — mind, body, and soul.
3. She’s ruled by her passions
Whether she’s going after a goal, fighting for a cause, indulging in a hobby, or falling in love, she engages her desire with full attention and believes in it down to the bone. Looking for loyalty in excess? This is your gal.
4. She's sincere to a fault
She may have a great sense of humor, but she’s quite serious about what matters most to her. Her word tops that list. When she says something, she means it and she has a very hard time understanding those who don’t follow suit. In fact, she tends to have zero tolerance for those who break the word-as-thy-bond decree.
5. She knows who she is
Yes, she can overthink things (which admittedly can be a little frustrating for the both of you at times), but there’s an upside to loving an emotional woman who analyzes, thinks, and feels so much. It has allowed her the chance to really understand what she likes, doesn’t like, wants, and wants to avoid.
This means she’s going to be upfront about how she feels and not waste anyone’s time. She will be pretty clear whether or not you two are a match early on, and if you’re not, well... she'll likely pull away because...
6. She's not into superficial relationships
While she can have fun and let loose, she prefers to do so around people she knows, trusts, and takes a real interest in, the same people she knows to take a real interest in her. She doesn’t have the skin for one-night stands (the stress of the morning after would put her into a panic) and frivolous dating just for the sake of cocktails and conversation. Yawn.
7. She’s low drama
You would think all of those emotions would lead to a number of erratic eruptions but, to the contrary, there’s a wisdom and maturity found in these women that allows them to quickly identify what's important and meaningful and what's surface white noise.
8. She’s not stupid
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it has made the emotionally complex woman captivating. As motivations and feelings interest her, she’s the kind of woman who will do a Google search on Grecian dresses and find herself reading about Atlantis two hours later.
She loves history: Yours, Rome’s, the bodega owner’s upbringing, etc. This has resulted in a plethora of fun facts and inquisitiveness that sets her apart from those who want to spend their happy hours talking about housewives.
9. She’s looking for something bigger
Whether talking about life, love, friendships, or a career, she wants something meaningful. This means she’s not going to follow trends, the crowd, or anything else other than her own heart, gut, and intuition.
10. She maintains a certain mystery
Just when you think you've pegged her bold, she goes bashful. Or you suddenly see your girl boss, a boardroom-running executive greet you in an apron with dinner in the oven. This woman abhors being pigeonholed and labeled because deep down, she knows she's a multifaceted female with many sides and if you’re lucky, you’ll get to see them, too.
Brenda Della Casa is the Author of Cinderella Was a Liar, The Managing Editor of Preston Bailey and Gotham Bandit, A Huffington Post Blogger, and the founder of BDC Life In Style.