7 Extremely Rare Signs You Have A Spiritual Connection With Your Partner
And how to grow even more spiritually close with them.

Even in a relationship, we reach a point where our partner doesn't feel as special as he or she used to. Maybe we start picking at flaws or noticing other people, wondering if we'd be happier with them. And, once again, the relationship begins its slow decline.
What if you could guarantee a spark that lasted — no matter who you were with — and a happier life to go along with it? While relationship advice won't provide you with any miracles, there’s another way.
When you have a spiritual connection with a partner, you are allies in personal growth. You want to work together to become your best selves and commit to helping and loving each other, as well as those around you.
Because it’s only when you’re living love and kindness that your relationship will truly flourish.
Here are 7 signs you have a deeply spiritual connection with your partner.
1. You're selfless toward one another.
When you're spiritually connected to someone, you will do whatever it takes to make your partner happy and help them fulfill their goals or dreams. You go above and beyond in supporting them, no matter what their ambitions involve.
It’s not about what you get in return; rather, it’s about protecting your partner and ensuring their safety and success.
Photo: Juan Vargas / Pexels
2. You can be your true, authentic selves.
No matter the situation, whether you’re at home on the couch or out with friends, you and your partner are fully genuine. You don’t pretend to be someone you’re not just to change your partner’s perspective on you! Instead, you each feel completely comfortable and vulnerable.
A spiritual connection is honest; therefore, full transparency is its basis.
3. You share the same values.
Agreeing to disagree on your personal preferences (like where to go order dinner from or whose family to spend the holiday with) isn’t the same as your core values. Core values are those parts of who you are that define your personality.
Spiritually connected partners align on issues that define who they are, and the future they want to have. You both strive to achieve the same things in life, together.
4. You respect each other.
While respect is a key component of any romantic relationship, it’s especially important in a spiritually connected partnership.
You don’t judge one another, interrupt during conversations, or put each other down for your flaws; rather, you show empathy and compassion and seek to understand your partner on a deeper level.
5. You feel like you’ve known each other forever.
Almost instinctively, when you first met, you most likely only saw one another from across the room. Immediately, it felt like you had a connection and were drawn to each other. It was like no other feeling you had ever experienced before.
While it’s not something you can put into words, your intuition told you that this person was someone who belonged in your life. And you listened.
6. You're able to communicate without speaking.
You each seem to know what the other person is thinking, without a hint of hesitation. Similarly, you can decipher each other’s moods based on feeling alone.
You communicate with your eyes and hearts, not your words, and might even be able to detect if something is wrong, even if you aren’t in the same room together.
7. You help each other grow.
Once they entered your life, you were certain nothing would ever be the same again. And you were right.
Together, you bring out the best in each other, encourage one another to be better people, and find your purpose in life. Neither of you is afraid of being honest with the other, and you guide one another in the right direction.
If you're spiritually connected, you know deep down in your heart that this is the person you’re meant to be with. No matter their flaws, you don’t doubt the bond you share, and you don’t ever fear that this person will turn against you.
Not only does this person help you express yourself, but they give you a sense of stability in your life. Even sitting next to them can quell your stress and anxiety.
Developing a spiritual connection is all about being honest, open-minded, peaceful, and vulnerable. It’s not about changing yourself to be a better match; forming a spiritual connection is about being true to who you are, your partner doing the same, and coming together to deepen your emotional bond.
How to Connect and Grow Spiritually with Your Partner
1. Commit to something higher.
The element that elevates a spiritual partnership beyond an ordinary relationship is the revolutionary idea that your role is to support each other on your path to reach ultimate evolution, to become your best self. Get clear that what you're looking for is not just physical security or emotional support but spiritual evolution.
This means you're supporting each other in your mutual quest to become a more "enlightened" being. Whatever goals you set for your relationship will dictate how it functions day by day.
If your goal is just to have company or financial security, don't expect long-term satisfaction; if your goal is a radical evolution of your body, mind and spirit, expect fulfillment beyond your dreams.
2. Be what you want in a partner.
Make a list of the qualities you most want in a partner and take them to heart. Instead of looking for amazing features in someone else, develop them in yourself. For example, if you want a partner with financial stability, get stable yourself. If you want someone fun, be fun.
The beauty of perception is that you will see all your own qualities, both good and bad, reflected back to you in your partner. Be complete in yourself, and you will see completion in your partner.
3. Cleanse yourselves of past relationships.
Think of your exes. What comes to mind? Are you thinking about the negative aspects of your relationship? Are you looking back with rose-colored glasses? If it's anything other than love, you have some serious work to do.
The images and feelings that arise in your memory color how you experience your current relationships. To grow spiritually closer with your partner, you need to learn to forgive your exes. No matter how bad your past relationship was, it taught you exactly what you needed to learn.
4. Recognize change and use it to grow.
Part of healing past relationships is embracing change. In Buddhist philosophy, this understanding is the foundation of wisdom. There's no start without a finish, no beginning without an end, no life without death.
Your relationship will transform as you each evolve. As spiritual partners, your job is to love and support each other through this process. Use change for growth — don't fight it.
5. Cultivate a daily meditation practice.
If you want to see a wise, loving, spiritual partner, you must be that yourself. Create a daily practice that includes meditation, prayer or deep contemplation. There are a multitude of studies that prove the mental and physical health benefits of meditation.
Learning to get still and meditate well is just like anything else: it takes training. Find and practice a method that speaks to you and connects you to something higher.
The time and attention you give your meditation practice determine the results you will get. And don't let it scare you — you can start with just a few minutes a day.
6. Get physical every day.
Touch, intimacy and connection are essential ingredients of spiritual partnerships. A satisfying intimate relationship starts with having a body that you feel good in. Yogic teachings explore the subtle energetic connections we have with each other.
In order to access these deeper dimensions, your physical form must be healthy.
Commit to a healthy diet that works with your needs. Commit to an exercise regimen that enlivens you. Do something fun! Then, watch what happens in your intimate partnership.
7. Face your demons — individually and together.
We all have baggage, right? We all have shadows that we don't want to see. Being in a spiritual partnership requires that we grow up into the person we were meant to be.
An essential step is bringing what we most deny in ourselves into the open. Partnerships are challenging. Your relationship is going to bring all your darkness to the surface. This is usually when the relationship ends, or when the "blame game" starts.
Resolve instead to help each other work through the psychological issues that arise. And don't think they won't arise. Find a good coach or therapist, as necessary. Do this work and watch your hearts flower and your minds expand. Otherwise, your own shadows will inevitably undo your relationship.
8. Plan a date with an angel at least twice a month.
How you treat your relationship will create the results you experience. Is this the most special person on the planet to you? If so, how should you treat them? If you relate to them as a sacred being, they will be. If you treat them as ordinary, they will be.
Make a commitment that you will have a "date with an angel" twice a month. Remember the blissful feelings you experienced when you first met and re-create those times.
Dress up, go out to the best restaurant, or make his/her favorite meal at home. Take time to make everything special. Think about what they would like: flowers, gifts, a massage — the works!
Photo: cottonbro studio / Pexels
9. Align your visions for the future.
A spiritual partnership is all about supporting each other's deepest desires. In order to stay together, your two visions must align. Ask each other: What do you most wish for? What is calling you? Explore these questions with courage and honesty.
Your visions don't need to agree, but they need to align. Find the common aspects of both of your visions for the future. Maybe one of you wants to live abroad, while the other wants to live near family.
Instead of getting caught in dualism, look for "third ways." For example, "We can move mom with us. Or, live in each place six months a year."
10. Go for your dreams.
We are all meant to be the heroes of our own lives. No one can do it for you, even your spiritual partner.
The best thing you can do for your relationship is to become the being you dream of, the being you were born to be. And once you do, you're growing that spiritual connection with your partner as well.
Kimberley Theresa is an expert in Buddhism, yoga, mysticism and psychology. She's the co-Founder and Executive Director of the Yoga Studies Institute (YSI), a global not-for-profit organization that trains yoga teachers on the inner and outer methods of yoga.