3 Powerful Secrets Of Couples With Incredibly Divine Love
How the universe helped get the two of you together.

What is divine love? What does divine mean, and how is it related to relationships? Relationships are where you’ll inevitably feel the most pleasure — and also the most pain — in your life. It’s also where you’ll have the biggest opportunities for soul growth. What you experience in your love relationships isn’t accidental. There’s a greater order happening.
Do I have proof? No, just experience and the faith of a mustard seed and my own experiences of being in love. What is divine love? Divine love is discovered when you peel away all the limiting programming that keeps your heart from opening to another. When you can love another unconditionally, that is divine love. Love is a powerful force. And the energy of love is eternal.
The energy between you and the one you love can be palpable — both for good and bad. That’s why having a strong sense of self-love is so important for you to attract a good partner and good life experiences. The love you have for another is eternal. And unfortunately, the hate, anger, and resentment are, too. What type of energy do you want in your relationships?
Here are 3 powerful secrets of couples with incredibly divine love:
1. Your relationships were divinely inspired
Often people tell a very sweet and serendipitous story of how they got together. I like to say that the angels worked hard to get you and your partner together. And however it happened, you two are together because you'll grow through the experience.
What I mean by "divinely inspired" is that your soul and its desire to grow and express itself attracted your partner to you. The people you’ve had relationships with were the exact people you needed to have in your life to learn what you needed to learn. Each relationship is a gift. And often, it’s in the most disastrous relationships that you can learn the most. If you take the time to do so, and not stay stuck in the anger. That’s why forgiveness is so important, as well as keeping an optimistic attitude when the going gets rough.
2. Even the worst relationships are divine relationships
In other words, stop blaming your past lover. You may have had some hard knocks in your love life. Cheated on, betrayed, left, abused, used. We all have our hearts broken at some point in life. You know, our hearts need to be cracked in order to let the love shine through. So, these love challenges are there for a divine purpose — your soul’s growth.
Don’t get stuck in the blame game from past love relationships. The only one that loses is you. I’ve seen long, drawn-out destructive divorces. Don’t let that be you. Even if only in your mind, forgive those who you believe have wronged you. And take responsibility, because you were part of the co-creation of that experience.
You will feel what the divine means if you let yourself forgive. And it’s not always easy to do. Past lovers can stay in your system and in your thoughts for a long time, ruminating about how it was both good and bad. What does divine mean? It means nothing if you’re living in the past and are filled with anger. It’ll just keep you stuck. Let the divine work through you. Open your heart, forgive, and know that you brought these relationship experiences into your life. Your soul needs these experiences for you to expand your consciousness.
3. Divine love honors the inner beloved
Unfortunately, it’s very “normal” in our culture to look for love outside yourself. That’s why there are so many lonely people. The truth is, you have all that you need within you. And as you cultivate your divine feminine and divine masculine, you’ll attract better relationships. Honor your inner beloved. Connect to yourself. Cultivate it.
But what does that even mean? You do this by balancing both the masculine and feminine energies within you. For example, if you're more feminine, then you need to develop your inner masculine. If you're more masculine, you need to develop your inner feminine. When you develop within you the energies of your opposite dominant energy, you balance your divine feminine and divine masculine.
You create more inner calm and harmony. You stop projecting onto your partner, for example, your need to be taken care of. Or, you stop looking to your partner for authority because you’ve developed your inner authority. You listen and honor what your inner masculine has to say. It guides you. And your inner feminine guides you, as well.
What are divine love and divine relationships? Ultimately, all relationships are divine relationships. And all relationships are divinely inspired. You learn from each other. Your soul has the greatest opportunity to grow through your most intimate and closest relationships. It's through overcoming the challenges you face in those relationships with a sense of love, honor, and commitment that makes it divine love.
These are all beautiful things, in regards to what the divine means. It means that you are perfect, whole, and complete. You don’t need something or someone to complete you. You are perfect just the way you are. That is divine knowing. It takes time and spiritual maturity to understand that. You go through many relationship trials and tribulations, dramas, and ups and downs to come to a place of surrender and acceptance.
Honoring your divine feminine and divine masculine within will help you along the way. Remember: Your love relationships are the most important part of your soul’s journey. They are truly divine relationships. Don’t blame past lovers. Take responsibility for your part. Forgiveness goes a long way. Far beyond time and space. Developing your divine feminine or masculine will help you to come into your wholeness. And the amount that you love yourself will show up in what types of relationships you attract to you.
Anna-Thea is an author and certified divine Feminine educator who educates people on how to claim their power in a loving way.