The Person Your Partner Is Most Likely To Have An Affair With, According To Research

It could even be someone you know.

Last updated on Mar 05, 2025

Woman realizes who partner will have an affair with. Sebastian Staines | Unsplash

According to research, the person your partner is most likely to have an affair with is someone close to them.

A cheating spouse is most likely to have an affair with a friend, a coworker, or even a neighbor, a growing amount of infidelity research shows. And wives may be even more likely to have an affair with someone in their inner circle than husbands are.

Part of the reason is simple convenience — proximity and opportunity. But scientists suspect that it’s also because cheaters often want out of their current relationships and are afraid of being alone. 


The Person Your Partner Is Most Likely To Have An Affair With, According To Research NDAB Creativity / Shutterstock

So they split the difference, and look across the street.  “Most people who have extramarital intimacy do so with someone they know well,” according to a 2017 study in the Journal of Family Psychology.

“People most commonly report having extramarital intimacy with a close personal friend or neighbor, coworker, or long-term acquaintance.” This study took into account several waves of the General Social Survey, a massive dataset that measures social change, including attitudes towards extramarital intimacy. About 21 percent of men and 13 percent of women reported cheating on their partners at some point.


When people cheated, 82.9 percent did so with a close friend, neighbor, coworker, or long-term acquaintance. 

The findings echo several past surveys conducted by Ashley Madison-esque websites marketed towards people trying to cheat, but this 2017 research was the first scientific study to focus on what kind of extramarital partners people are drawn to.

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While opportunity, proximity, and the emotional connection of already knowing each other helped facilitate the affairs, couples need to experience other issues in their relationships to be vulnerable to temptation. 

The Person Your Partner Is Most Likely To Have An Affair With, According To Research Kateryna Onyshchuk / Shutterstock


“Concerning relationship factors, the association between lower relationship satisfaction and extramarital intimacy is a well-established finding,” study co-author Mark Whisman, a psychology professor at the University of Colorado, said in a statement.

Whisman and coauthor, Lindsay Labrecque suspect that, when unhappy people cheat, they’re looking for a way out of their relationship, but they do not necessarily want to be alone either.

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As a result, people don’t just cheat on their way out — they form new relationships, to keep someone else on deck And it makes sense to do this with people they already know. 

“I wonder whether married individuals who have extramarital intimacy with partners such as a close friend or co-worker are choosing such partners as a commitment to form a new relationship and, by proxy, to leave their marriage,” Labrecque said.


“These partners possess or provide inherent qualities including emotional intimacy, closeness, friendship, support, etc., and choosing to have extramarital intimacy with a partner with these qualities may reflect a preference for a committed and/or intimate extramarital relationship more so than a partner paid for intimacy or a casual date.”

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Lauren Vinopal is a freelance journalist who writes about health and science. She is a staff writer for MEL Magazine and has appeared in MTV News, Vice, GQ, and more.
