5 Odd Signs Your Marriage Is About To End, According To Experts
Don't miss these difficult-to-spot warning signs.

You have an intuition your marriage is not OK.
Strange signs appear, but you don't read too much into how your spouse shifts their behavior, and you compensate.
A decidedly twisted gut feeling persists and is far from the usual red flag deal breaker checklist items, so you ignore them and question yourself and reality.
There are subtleties of a failing marriage you might miss. The signs are shy whispers of upheaval about to occur or blatant acts camouflaged by their overtness as though they are too big to see.
Here are 5 odd signs your marriage is about to end, according to YourTango experts.
1. Your spouse becomes a data compiler.
People who plot an end to marriage secretly will collect data before they sprint into action.
You may notice records being copied or taken, questions about certain bank or brokerage accounts and the values of those holdings, questions about the location of the money, and the names of professionals you rely on for accounting and financial advice.
— Scott Levin, Family Law Attorney
2. You rewrite your relationship history.
This is a common result when you focus on the negatives in the relationship.
If you're unhappy in your relationship, you can convince yourself it was never good, and the two of you were wrong from the start and never loved each other. You will then act on these beliefs and make your relationship worse.
— Lesli Doares, Therapist and Coach
3. Small personal items start to vanish.
Small personal items — old photos, small valuables like jewelry — start to vanish.
This is a preparatory step many spouses take to ensure they are moving their most valuable or sentimental items to another location for safekeeping before the actual move.
— Dr. Gloria Brame, Therapist
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4. Your spouse makes you write down everything you spend money on.
This is a textbook sign of a controlling and emotionally abusive spouse. Marriage is about sharing love and life experiences not monitoring your spouse’s every move. Control is never a healthy weapon in marriage. Each person is an individual and must be treated as an adult.
— Mindy R. Smith PC, Attorney at Law
5. You're not fighting at all anymore
If spouses don’t even care enough to argue, they’ve disengaged. And they’re just going through the motions of being married.
— Dr. Karen Finn, divorce and life coach
A failing marriage can feel like you are slowly slipping away into a loss of reality and self.
When you look deeply at the day-to-day exchanges in your marriage and see subtle signs of drifting apart, planning an escape, or isolating, you will most likely need to seek counseling individually or as a couple. Some marriages in decline can be rescued.
Yet, some marriages might not be salvageable, so recognizing the subtler signs will help you prepare for a separation or divorce.
Will Curtis is a writer and editor for YourTango. He's been featured on the Good Men Project and taught English abroad for ten years.