11 Biggest Mistakes I Made In The First 3 Dates That Cost Me A Second
Learn from the mistakes I made in the dating game, so you don't make the same ones.

One of the greatest things about being single? The stories. Some are funny, like when you meet someone on a dating app and talk to them for a month only in food puns.
Some are bizarre, like that time you were hitting it off with a guy at the bar and a cockroach landed on your arm. (NYC, am I right?) And others are pretty horrifying, like that time you realized the guy you were swooning over was, at one point, a suspect in a major disappearance case. Mug shots don't lie.
With each mistake, we reflect, learn, and (eventually) laugh. But that doesn't mean women don't make mistakes. Because, trust me, I made plenty of big mistakes when I was dating this year — and some of them may some incredibly familiar.
Here are the biggest mistakes I made in the first three dates:
1. I agreed to a second date when I didn't want one
It would've saved everyone time.
2. I tried dating multiple people at once
Yuri A / Shutterstock
I know plenty of experts recommend it — and I'll even tell my friends to do it! But it gets stressful. I wasn't even really getting to know any of them because I was just trying to keep up and get all the facts straight.
And, when two guys you've gone on a couple of dates with, along with that guy you actually like, all text you at the same time and ask you what you're doing that night there's only one feeling: panic attack.
3. I gave guys who weren't right for me more chances
I made a conscious effort not to write people off so easily this year. But there's a fine line between giving someone a chance, getting to know them, and recognizing they're just not a good match for you. But come on, life, where is that line?!
4. I gave perfectly nice guys not enough chances
5. I texted a friend that my date was late
But WHOOPS! I SENT THAT TEXT TO THE DATE. Who — guess what? — wasn't even late. He was just in another part of the bar. My favorite shoe broke right after that, and I deserved it.
6. I ran away when guys said they liked me early on
I wish I had appreciated the honesty and maturity — and not been scared by it.
7. I felt bad, sad, and mad when a guy didn't want what I want
Way too much time wasted on being upset over something I can't control.
8. I rescheduled plans with a guy for three months before finally going on the date I agreed on
Prostock-studio / Shutterstock
On the bright side, it was a good exercise in persistence and patience for him. A+!
9. I rescheduled my flight to spend more time with my vacation boyfriend
Just kidding! That was not a mistake, but my overspending alerts disagreed.
10. I wasn't honest with myself
Knowing what you want is a good thing — and you shouldn't be afraid of it.
11. I didn't speak up about how I feel
I imagine I'll struggle with this one my whole life, but I'll try my best to remember this: my feelings matter, too.
Michelle Toglia is the Executive Editor at Elite Daily, overseeing the site's entertainment, news, style, dating, and experiences coverage.