Men Most Repelled By These 10 Traits In Women, According To Research

Men inherently know what they like and don't like, and they told us.

Last updated on Oct 18, 2024

Man is repelled by certain traits in a woman. Prostock-studio | Canva

While it may seem fairly easy to figure out what attracts a man to a woman, what about what turns a man off? What are the specific types of qualities that men don't find attractive in women and that even repel them from women? And do these things change over time? 

So, yes, the question of what it takes to attract a man may be pretty simple, but the science behind what repels him may be a bit more complex. However, we have found the 10 traits that men find to be the most unappealing in a woman upon a first meeting.


How do we know this crucial information? What repels men the most in women — both initially and long-term? In a massive survey of more than 20,000 men and women, YourTango partnered with Glo and Chemistry to determine what the true power of attraction in relationships is. While we found out how men and women feel overall about attraction — 90 percent agreed that, even after the initial allure fades, a romance can be rekindled.

Men are most repelled by these 10 qualities, according to research:

1. Poor personal hygiene

woman with bad body odor Cast Of Thousands / Shutterstock

Healthy personal hygiene is a must. While some studies from 2019 have shown that pheromones can help you pick a mate, straight-up not-showering won't do you any favors.

RELATED: 3 Biggest First Date Turn-Offs For Men, According To Research


2. Narcissism/lack of empathy

narcissistic woman Engin Akyurt / Pexels

Women who talk about themselves throughout a date without asking their partner any questions may have narcissistic tendencies. According to statistics, up to 6% of the US population are narcissists. 


3. Lack of chemistry

couple without chemsitry RDNE Stock project / Pexels

You could be on a date with the funniest and smartest woman in the world, but if there's no chemistry, the relationship isn't going to last. Chemistry is that giddy feeling when you see your partner, and is what keeps people attracted to each other.


4. Boring/lack of adventure

bored couple Mikhail Nilov / Pexels

If a woman isn't interesting or intriguing to a man, he may not be interested. Arm yourself with first-date conversation starters as jump-starts for great dialogue.

RELATED: 8 Clear Signs A Man's Just Not That Into You, According To Psychology

5. Immaturity

immature woman Mix and Match Studio / Shutterstock

While women are often considered the more mature gender, some women can act childish, spoiled, or immature — don't be that woman. 


6. Racist or prejudiced speech

angry woman Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Women who make racist or prejudiced remarks against others are an immediate 'no' for most men. 

7. Extreme views on religion

bad date fizkes / Shutterstock

Being religious in and of itself isn't a turn-off but when someone starts trying to force or push you into it, it can be a huge turn-off. One survey from the Survey Center of American Life found that 42% of daters say they are less likely to date someone if the person is very religious.

RELATED: 10 Things Guys Thought They Wanted In A Woman (But Then Realized They Didn't)


8. Lack of spark

couple without a spark New Africa / Shutterstock

If you're trying your best to connect with a date, but there's just no excitement, connection, or that mystical 'spark,' it's time to call it quits. You have to be attracted to your partner, with an article published in The Quarterly Journal of Economics confirming that men want to be with someone they're physically attracted to.

9. Lack of intelligence

woman lack of intelligence frantic00 / Shutterstock

Men don't want to be on a date with a woman who plays dumb or acts less intelligent than they are. Having brains is a good thing. You might think it's cute to appear dumb on a date, but men actually like smart women, according to research from 2015.


10. Lack of drive/ambition

woman with lack of drive Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

Men want to be with someone who is going somewhere. According to a study from 2015, men value career advancement and leadership roles in potential partners.

Perhaps these results just reaffirm what some experts have been saying all along: men aren't that complicated. If you'd like to attract one, just make sure that you take care of yourself, ask great questions (and be interesting yourself), and have ambition. 

Oh, and if you want to nab him for the long term, make sure that there's a romantic spark or connection that goes well beyond just the physical attraction, as three-quarters of men seem to agree that they'd walk away without it. Happy dating!

RELATED: 5 Lies You've Been Told About What Men Want

Kait Smith is an editor, writer, and social media manager, who writes on love and relationships.