Love Coach Reveals 3 'Green Flags' That Make Men Consistently Fall For Women

It's in the way a woman carries herself.

Last updated on Aug 05, 2024

Woman and man cook together and man is falling for her because of her green flags. | Canva

Do you have a woman in your inner circle who always seems to have guys fall over themselves to do things for her? It was fascinating to watch how men melted and morphed into knights in shining armor in her presence. 

For the longest time, I thought it was her looks, but that didn’t make sense because I observed other women like my friend who attracted similar attention but weren’t nearly as attractive.


It wasn’t until I went on my quest and spent 3 years listening to feedback from hundreds of men (and creating a worn-out path in the self-help section of my local bookstore) that I finally cracked this code for myself.

What my friend had developed naturally (unbeknownst to her) was a 3-step formula and doing them is the secret to making men fall for you.

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Love coach reveals three green flags that make men fall for women:

1. She knows what she wants

Nothing is more attractive than a woman who is proud and confident to want things.


2. She gets her needs met

This kind of woman always assumed her needs would — and should — be met, so they were.

3. She shows gratitude

This is a woman who demonstrates her appreciation with either a big smile or "thank you." She knows men appreciate a grateful woman.

3 'Green Flags' That Consistently Make Men Fall For Women Pexels / Jopwell

Showing gratitude is just good practice after all. According to research, grateful people experience fewer aches and pains and report feeling healthier than other people.


Every book I read and every man I spoke to affirmed how important it was to men to feel useful and needed by a woman.

They admire independent women, but what turned their crank were women who clearly expressed their desires and followed up with appreciation.

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If you’re ready to make a change, then follow these action steps:

1. Starting today, decide to graciously accept every compliment you receive now and going forward

No more deflecting or putting down your beauty, accomplishments, or natural talents. Train yourself to say "thank you" at all times.

According to research, saying "thank you" more builds trust and closer bonds with others.


2. For the next 7 days, make a point of giving verbal appreciation for every single thing a man does for you

Opening a door, a male co-worker getting you coffee, your neighbor helping you, your husband taking out the garbage or your brother fixing your computer… any small or large task a man does for you (friends and strangers alike) makes a point of thanking them.

The great thing about this is once men feel appreciation from you, they want to do more for you — so great, yes? Practicing Step 1 will help you stay open to receiving this new attention. Have fun.

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Kim Sarrasin, also known as the Queen of Hearts, is a relationship expert, dating coach, and speaker. She's appeared on North America CBC TV, Global TV, The Globe & Mail, BC Business, and Shape Magazine.