10 Little Actions Guys Want You To Take To Make Them Feel Special
A little bit goes a long way.

It’s not often that we see or read things about how to make a man feel loved and special in a relationship. I always encourage men to treat the woman in their life better, to be romantic, genuine, and all of that fun stuff.
But the truth is, it goes both ways. Any successful relationship requires consistent effort from both teammates. Teamwork makes the dream work, right?
To help give you some ideas of how to do your part, here are 10 things you can do to make the guy in your life feel special and loved.
1. Compliment him.
This may surprise a lot of women, but it’s rare for a man to receive genuine compliments. Whether it's because society has taught him to reject them or insecurity, men may not always respond positively to compliments.
But compliments don't need to be solely physical; in fact, you'll find that mentioning something else that's attractive about him — the way he smells, how good of a father he is, how hard he works — will make him smile.
Women are often on the giving end of compliments, but it's time to flip the script. Acknowledging your guy with genuine adoration will make him feel appreciated.
2. Ask him for his advice.
Stereotypically, when a woman tells a man about her problems, she isn’t necessarily looking for a solution. She wants a listener. However, a man’s instinct is to try to provide a solution.
So go ahead and specifically ask him for his advice. It makes him feel useful, wanted, and even needed. It is going to allow him to flex his problem-solving muscles and make him feel like he’s contributing to your life.
3. Wear that outfit you know he loves.
You've probably heard it before: Men are visual creatures. But there’s more to it than just looking good. It's about the extra touch you add and time you've put into your appearance that will make him feel special.
If a man sees you in something that you know he loves, he will recognize that you're putting in an effort to look good for him specifically.
Photo: Abi Greer / Pexels
4. Give him your undivided attention.
Yes, women multitask better than men do. You may be able to check your email and still give him your attention, but it shows your lack of intention.
Instead, when he's talking to you or even just trying to receive some type of acknowledgement, stop what you're doing and give him the time of day. Show him that he’s got your full and complete attention.
5. Make him feel comfortable venting to you.
Men are often told that they should be the strong ones. This is incorrectly translated into being unemotional. I fully believe that showing emotion requires more strength than holding it in, but societal constructors often tell us otherwise.
This means that there are very few safe places for men to open up and vent about what’s bothering them, regardless of how badly they want to. If you provide a safe place for your man to vent, it will be a welcome gesture of love and affection.
6. Be affectionate with him.
As simple as this one is, it is often overlooked. While you may give him a peck on the lips or a hug every now and then, men want to feel like they are doing their part.
Small things like hand-holding, walking arm in arm, or resting your head on his shoulder can make him feel like he’s protecting you, even if you don’t need his protection. Protecting you is often a man’s way of showing you his love.
7. Show him he’s a priority.
We all have busy lives with friends, family, work, and hobbies, but make sure you include him where you can. It can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, but making your guy feel special should be on the top of your list.
Time is the most valuable asset any of us have because we can’t get it back after we spend it. It’s also the most important gift we can give to someone. So, make sure he knows how important he is to you and put him first.
8. Pick up the tab.
I believe a man should always pay for dates. Not necessarily just the first date, but also ongoing.
However, if you occasionally slip your card to the waiter without him noticing, he’s not going to hate it. It will show him that you appreciate the things he does for you and that you’re willing to take care of him, too. After all, what's a good relationship without switching things up every now and then?
9. Give him long hugs.
Men often communicate physically, whether it’s through body language or putting his arm around you. It’s a language that he instinctively understands.
Women can send their guys a very important message of love by being physically close. Holding on to him just a little longer and hugging him just a little tighter will show him the affection that he desires.
Photo: Sevil Yeva / Pexels
10. If you appreciate what he does for you, tell him.
Romance and relationships are two-way streets. A good man will give to you without asking for anything in return, but that doesn’t mean you should do nothing. While you may be physically present, he needs to hear from your mouth that you openly acknowledge how much you appreciate him.
Tell your man that you cherish having him in your life. It's that simple.
James Michael Sama is an award-winning blogger on the topics of dating and relationships, having amassed over 30 million readers in just a year and a half. He writes and speaks on the topics of chivalry, romance, and happiness throughout the country, and has been featured repeatedly in news segments, talk shows, and mainstream radio.