Life Coach Reveals The 5 Signs A Man Sees A Woman As '100% Compatible' With Him

What men really need in a relationship when it comes to compatibility.

Last updated on Aug 23, 2024

Man sees a woman as compatible for him. urbazon | Canva

What exactly does it mean to be compatible in a relationship? According to research, people find a partner compatible when they have similar views on lifestyle, opinions, morals, family, food, religion, and more.

The other day, I had a great little conversation with my man about compatibility and relationships. Following my game plan about manifesting my ideal man, I wrote out a very clear and detailed sensory and emotion-based description of him. 


It included how I’d feel about being in a relationship with him and, of course, my non-negotiable criteria

He knew about this juicy little document and listened very intently when I told him about it. After all, he was the man who showed up several days after I put this out to the universe. Being an indulgent listener with easy-flowing conversation was written right there in blue and white.

So when I asked him over coffee, "I'm just curious. What does compatibility mean to you?" this is how he replied.

RELATED: The Only 5 Factors That Determine Compatibility In A Relationship

Here are the 5 signs a man sees a woman as 'compatible' with him:

1. He feels comfortable enough to discuss any subject

He feels at ease talking about even the most controversial subject, knowing that you won't attack or criticize, but rather engage in a dialogue that's safe and open-minded.


2. He feels comfortable enough to be playful and flirty

He feels can tease you playfully (never meanly) and flirtatiously with positive reception and equal flirting back. 

3. He feels comfortable enough to be vulnerable and share his deepest feelings

If he's going through something particularly deep, dark, or tough, he sees you as a safe space to confide in. He's not afraid to look 'weak' around you or get something heavy off his chest.

4. He feels comfortable enough to make you happy

He knows what brings you joy, and loves to do things to foster that loving, joyful feeling.


5. He feels comfortable enough to retreat to his man cave, knowing that you will lovingly give him his space and welcome him back when he’s ready

You are object permanence — if he feels he needs to retreat for whatever reason, he trusts that you'll still be there when he's ready to reengage.

RELATED: 5 Deep, Emotional Needs Your Partner Must Meet For A Relationship To Last

Maybe it’s time to have this little eye-opening conversation with your guy and find out what he thinks is at the heart of compatibility. You may be surprised! 

Life Coach Reveals The Signs A Man Sees A Woman As 'Compatible' To Him Andres Ayrton / Pexels


It might be awkward, to have these kinds of conversations with someone, but research from the American Psychological Association shows that deep conversations can lead to couples feeling more connected.

RELATED: 6 Early Signs Of Compatibility In A Relationship That Predict Marital Success

Deb Dutilh is a Relationship and Compatibility Coach and has over 25 years of international experience in teaching and personal development. She writes to help women learn how to stop people pleasing, and how to communicate their needs and get them met.