9 Life-Altering Lessons I've Learned From Going On 100 First Dates — 'It's Just Like Job-Hunting'
You name him, I've dated him.

I've gone to speed dating events, group dating, dating meet-and-greets based on interests, and so much more. Honestly, if you named it, I've likely tried it. I haven't kept track of an exact number, but I've gone on at least 100 first dates, if not more, in the past four years.
Serial dating doesn't phase me too much; after you've been out so many times, the dates all start to blend. A handful turned into six-week-to-two-month things that weren't quite significant relationships but weren't casual, either.
Here are 9 life-altering lessons I've learned from going on 100 first dates:
1. We all want love
AsadPhoto Maldives | Pexels
It's easy to get bitter about dating, but most of us have the same shared goal: love.
Guys complain about bad dating experiences and stories of unrequited love, just like we do. I hate when people tell me that "when it works, it just does!"
But they're right; it's less about the number of dates you have to endure and more about the one that makes the cut.
2. You can't trust anything a guy says on the first date
cottonbro studio | Pexels
I can't tell you how many men on the first and second dates have talked about 'the future' like it's a guaranteed path we're starting.
Men have talked about this wedding they have in a few months and how fun it'd be for me to join them; others have mentioned how our hometowns are so close that we could do the holidays easily and visit both families.
Men dream about the future just like we do, and sometimes they have a bad case of fantasy-delusion right from the get-go. Those statements and plans mean nothing if there isn't a follow-up, so don't get your hopes up.
3. There are no first date 'rules' except to put your phone down
Budgeron Bach | Pexels
Though I write about dating pretty frequently, I never click on those articles that tell you exactly when, where, why, and how to text someone after you've had a great date. The temptation is always there to reach out because you want to see if that first encounter can be more.
And though every relationship is different and there's no set-in-stone rule of thumb you should follow, generally speaking, men who are interested in you won't hesitate to reach out. I've found the ones with who I've had the longest pseudo-relationships call me.
The longer I've dated, the more I've learned to text less and let them pursue me. It may be archaic and an old-fashioned way to court, but I have less anxiety when I'm not hovering over my phone, wondering if the text I sent was "too much."
4. Don't worry about being 'too' anything
Samson Katt | Pexels
Too forward? Too sappy? Too flirty? Moving too fast? Too candid?
Whatever you are, be that on the first date. If you don't like that restaurant downtown, it's a lot more powerful to say, "Oh, really? I didn't like that place when I went. I prefer this one," than to chirp up and agree with everything he says.
I was worried for a long time about making myself mesh with my potential romantic partner, and now, I say how I feel — kindly, of course. And I'm not afraid to disagree with anything.
And you know what? My conversations are more engaging. My dates go better. I'm more confident and the connection is stronger when it happens because I'm being true to myself.
5. Even if you're not totally sold on him, it's worth it to go on a second date
Josh Hild | Pexels
I used to think that if I didn't feel that have-to-have-you-gotta-love-you-right-now feeling from the beginning, it was a waste of my time. But the truth of the matter is that after you've been on dozens upon dozens of first dates, they all start to feel like interviews.
And just like when you're job hunting, you have to figure out if the fit is good for you. Sometimes you're on your A-game, sometimes you're not. Men could turn into our husbands, but first and foremost, they're people, and they don't always have stellar nights.
If a first date went fine and I couldn't decide if I wanted to see him again, I decided to give it another chance. I've found that I know in my gut when I don't want to see someone again, but if I'm unsure, it's worth another hour of my time to figure it out.
The advice that research offers is that men should engage in more “etiquette” style behaviors, as women tended to perceive men as better daters when they displayed attentiveness, politeness, and kindness and engaged in meaningful conversations.
They recommend women should consider more “involvement” behaviors, such as flirting and holding hands, as these actions signal interest to men, keeping in mind the comfort level of both parties
6. You're not obligated to reciprocate feelings
Alena Darmel | Pexels
The biggest thing that used to pique my interest was a guy's interest in me. "OMG, he's so into me! I have to see him again! This could be something!"
It took me years to figure out that just because someone likes me doesn't mean I have to like them in return. That's my choice, and it's worth making.
7. Don't date out of fear
Liza Summer | Pexels
Am I a little freaked out that I've spent the majority of my adulthood alone? Do I wonder where I'll be in three, five, and seven years? And if all of those visions of a happy marriage and children will work out for me? Totally.
But I have more faith than fear in my heart, and I believe — with every eternal optimistic bone in my body — that being single is better than being in bad/good enough/just-okay relationships or marriages. I don't want to be on my own forever, and my heart says I won't, even when my mind begs to differ.
But the driving force to date can't be to make me less afraid. That makes dates feel panicked and scary, instead of fun and engaging like they should be. Let those fears come because they will after a while. But then let them go. Choose hope instead.
8. Never give up on love and never stay home just because you're over it
Alex Green | Pexels
Even when I don't feel like it, I make an effort to do things I love. I go out with friends, I go boxing or running, I try a local pub, or I sign up for a class I'm interested in. It's my way of making sure I'm out there without feeling like it's too much work.
And though it might not seem like much, it's a way to remind me that I'm not giving up. I may not always actively seek out dates, but I'm living my life the best I can and am open to what comes next.
Research has confirmed the pitfalls of excessive swiping on dating apps and extended choice overload. They support the idea that high partner availability increases fear of being single, decreases participants’ self-esteem, and increases partner choice overload.
9. The biggest secret to dating is living
Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels
There are moments when I call my mom in a straight-up, ridiculous, free-for-all messy, sloppy, childish crying fit and get mad as she tries to coach me to be more positive and hopeful about the dating process.
I see my friends taking the next steps in their lives: getting into a long-term relationship, getting engaged, saying "I do," and welcoming children. And I question what I'm doing wrong that I'm not there yet.
Unlike landing a dream job or saving up for something you want, you can't work hard enough or be something big enough to make your dream partner appear. But what you can do to make dating more enjoyable, to give yourself more patience, and to be the best you that you can be is to live your life.
Do things that make you happy, take trips that open your mind, talk to people who interest you, be curious about the world around you, be kind to yourself, and learn to love every experience, no matter how trying or seemingly endless.
Having 100 first dates is a lot of dating, but without those men who didn't work out — who weren't my match, who didn't like me in return, who didn't want something serious, who never called me back — I wouldn't be who I am today.
Lindsay Tigar is an experienced travel and lifestyle journalist, content strategist, and editor whose work has appeared in Travel + Leisure, Vogue, USA Today, Fast Company, and a myriad of other publications.