The 'Law Of Attraction' Rule Only The Happiest People Know
Happiness first, success later.

The dying American Dream taught us to work hard and eventually build success to earn tremendous amounts of money, which infers making a lot of money makes us happy.
As a result, we surmise an equation where hard work will eventually lead to happiness.
Yet, this is a faulty equation. Feeling happy before pursuing wealth allows us to attract all the success we ever wanted. Happiness is the motivation for us to strive for success.
Here is the law of attraction rule the happiest people know:
1. Check in with your emotions.
Make it a habit throughout the day to ask yourself: “How am I feeling right now?”
If you feel emotions you enjoy, you are on the right track. If you notice that you are feeling anxious, fearful, or depressed (or any other emotion you don’t enjoy), it’s a sign that you are far from flowing downstream. If you have trouble remembering to check in, you may consider setting an alarm on your phone.
2. Notice the emotion without getting caught up in it.
It’s easy when we are upset and notice we are upset to create a downward spiral. You know you don’t want to feel upset, yet you do, so you judge yourself.
Step back and label the emotion, “I feel upset”.
3. Take charge and create change.
When you become aware you are feeling negative, either allow yourself to feel the emotion without judgment and then move on or choose an activity you know will make you feel better.
For example, if you are feeling upset about a fight rather than stew on it, watch a comedy or read a book. This will interrupt your negative emotions and enable you to shift your energy.
Once you feel better, you can address the fight in a more relaxed frame of mind and come up with solutions that you might not have been able to see while angry.
4. Feel good as often as possible.
Don’t wait for any life situation to make you feel better. You can create happiness right here, right now, and you don’t have to wait for anyone to grant it.
Start by creating a happiness list of activities that make you feel good.
Having this list handy helps you consciously choose activities you know will make you feel good and is especially helpful to consult when you feel yourself slipping into a negative funk.
The shocking truth is that when you struggle, you block your own goals.
Law of Attraction teacher Abraham likens the process of manifestation to a boat in a stream. You can let your boat flow downstream on the river, or you can struggle to guide it upstream.
When you feel at ease and allow yourself to go with the current, you float toward your goals.
However, when you struggle to make something happen, you are working against the current and are blocking your goals from manifesting.
Our emotions are the key to understanding what direction our boat is going. If we feel negative emotions, we are struggling. If we feel a positive emotion, we are going with the flow.
What does this mean in day-to-day situations?
Let’s say you are trying to find a partner. Your search has not been successful because you don’t feel you can connect on an intimate level.
You would like kids and feel anxiety because your biological clock is ticking. So, each time you go on a new date, you bring this underlying anxiety with you.
Dating becomes a struggle and something that produces fear because with each failed date, your anxiety mounts. In this situation, even if you are excited about each new person you meet the main emotion you bring to the date is fear or apprehension.
In essence, emotionally, your boat is fighting the current.
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How do you turn this situation around?
You step away from the situation entirely and make yourself feel better.
This may mean not dating until you feel better about the situation because, in your current emotional state, all the partners you will attract are mismatched.
You don’t have to feel good about dating, but you have to feel good. You can feel good about anything to shift your vibration.
For me, hiking does the trick. I love being out in nature. It is grounding, and I feel at peace. So, when I have moments when I don't feel good, I lace up my hiking shoes and head for the trails.
As I walk, I can hear the conversation in my head shift. At first, I may be aggravated and moody, but after a short time making my heart pump and taking in the scenery, the chatter becomes more mellow and grateful.
This subtle change in my emotion allows me to relax and turn my proverbial boat down the stream. This is the state where I allow manifestations to enter my life. It’s in this state that, quite possibly, the man of your dreams may cross your trail.
Of course, most of the time, taking one hike is not going to let you shift your entire anxiety about dating.
The key is to fill your life with moments of happiness as much as possible.
This means choosing activities that give you joy and creating a life you love, no matter whether another person joins you or not. From that place, you can dissolve your anxiety about dating.
The good news in all of this is, is that we are in control. No one can take charge of our happiness except for us.
You are in control of your happiness and contrary to what our culture might teach us, feeling at ease, joyful, and excited will help you reach your goals.
Selina Schuh is an educator, author, speaker, and owner of Empowered Living Strategies. She teaches women who are feeling frustrated and under-appreciated in their relationships step-by-step skills to create deeply connected relationships.
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