If Your Guy Does These 4 Things, He's In It For The Long Haul

He's basically in love with you.

Last updated on Sep 14, 2023

Man bringing his wife flowers on a random Tuesday RgStudio | Canva

By Ashley Paige

Finding a man who's willing and ready to settle down and love you forever is no easy task, after all it feels like monogamy is becoming rarer and rarer every day. (I don't care what anyone says — dudes are way more complicated than their female counterparts). So when you do find the one, it's like walking down the street and discovering a hundred-dollar bill on the ground — a sweet surprise that you'll snatch up in an instant. Here are signs the guy you've got is so helplessly in love, that he'll never fall out of it.


If your guy does these 4 things, he's in it for the long haul:

1. He caters to you.

He makes sure you're happy day in and day out. He listens to your crazy work stories; he rubs your neck when it's sore; he cooks you dinner on the nights you're feeling sleepy, and he knows to shut up and listen to all the gossip you have, even if he doesn't care about it.


Caring for you is one of his top priorities, and he does a darn good job of it, and you're happy to return the favor.

RELATED: 18 Comforting Signs He's The One

2. He wants to hang out with you... A LOT.

If he's texting you every day to see if you'd like to Netflix and chill (I kid, I kid), you mean something to this guy, because, let's face it — they're notorious for spontaneous ghosting, and men are weird about their alone time.

RELATED: 15 Ways Guys Say 'I Love You' Without Ever Saying A Word

3. Intimacy isn't a huge factor for him.

Sure, he likes to do the dirty here and there, but intimacy isn't the reason he's with you, far from it. In fact, he wants to do so much more with you by his side — travel to another country! Sample beer! Have a half-birthday party! The possibilities are endless, and you might even get him to go with you to that Abba bar that just opened up near you.


RELATED: 7 Body Language Clues That Reveal A Guy's True Feelings For You

4. He keeps you in mind when making major decisions.

He doesn't take a new job without talking to you first. Or maybe he's thinking about renting an apartment across the city, but he wants to double-check that the commute between your place and his will be OK (or perhaps he wants you to move in with him!). He wants your opinion on things, and he sees a future with you.

Sizable decisions like this have a bearing on your partnership, and he's well aware. It takes two people to make decisions in a relationship, and although it can get difficult, you know he always has your best interest at heart.

RELATED: 21 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You


Ashley Paige is a former assistant editor at PopSugar. She has been featured in MSN, People Magazine, Business Insider, and more.