Certified Hypnotist Reveals The One Sentence That Manifested Her 'Specific Person'

Always assume what you want is already at your fingertips!

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When a certified hypnotist was feeling discouraged after her attempts to manifest her specific person were seemingly failing, she sought help from a love coach.

While expressing her doubts about her manifestation techniques, the coach said one sentence to the woman that would be a game changer in the entire process: “Why not him?”

The hypnotist explained how the sentence ‘Why not him?’ manifested her specific person into her life.

Kayla, a certified hypnotist and love coach, is sharing her tips and tricks on how you can manifest love into your life and how she was able to do it herself with just one sentence.


In a TikTok video, Kayla said that she had been trying to manifest her current partner, Mike, into her life for a while with no success.

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She eventually sought the help of a fellow love coach. While “pouring her heart out” to the coach and venting her frustrations about how none of her manifestation techniques appeared to be working, the coach said one sentence to her that would make everything click.

When Kayla admitted that she could manifest everything except her specific person, the coach begged the question, “Why not him?”

Upon hearing the sentence, Kayla says a light bulb went off in her head. 

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“What I realized was, in that moment, we’re getting exactly who we’re being,” she shared. “So if I’m somebody who is just really heavily identifying with not having that person and I have to keep on trying to get my person, the universe goes, ‘Okay, here’s more evidence of you, here’s more circumstances that make you believe that you’re gonna have to keep trying to get them.’”

When the love coach said, “Why not him?” Kayla realized that all of this time, she had been unintentionally focusing on the fact that she could not seem to manifest her specific person and that she had to keep trying.

It was then that she began to assume that her specific person was already right in front of her and wanted to be with her and that she no longer needed to put in the effort to get him. 

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The manifestation practice Kayla began engaging in is known as The Law Of Assumption, which states that by believing the thing you want already exists in your life, you’ll manifest it into your reality.

Assuming you have the things you want will make room for them in your physical life.

While some people may be skeptical of this process, using the law of assumption to yield successful results has some neuroscience backing.

Manifestation can trigger neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to build new neural pathways based on visualizations and affirmations.

When you visualize and assume you already have all of your desires, new neural pathways are created as if your manifestations have already come true. 


This only speeds up the process and prepares you for when your manifestations enter your physical reality.

Sure enough, once Kayla began assuming that her specific person was already hers, he appeared!

“This man was blowing up my phone, asking me to hang out, asking to buy me things,” she said.

Now that Kayla and her specific person are finally together, she encouraged her viewers to start asking themselves, “Why not?” to speed up their own manifestations.


Why not your dream house? Why not that job promotion? Why not your specific person?

They are already at your fingertips, just waiting for you to grab them.

“You feel like you can manifest everything but them; why do you feel like it’s not working on them? Assume the opposite, and the opposite will be true!” Kayla said.


There is nothing wrong with a little positive thinking — and if you engage in enough of it, all of those assumptions about walking down the aisle toward your specific person may just happen before you know it.

Why not? You deserve it!

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Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.