6 Early Signs Of Compatibility In A Relationship That Predict Marital Success
You can have all the love in the world, but if you are not compatible it will tough to have a long-lasting relationship.

Relationships are something you choose to be in, not something you do for entertainment, to pass the time, or to look cool. Yes, they are fun, but the commitment level required will make or break you as a couple.
If you're compatible with the one you love, you will notice certain signs in your relationship that indicate the two of you have what it takes to work through whatever life throws at you without forcing anything.
Here are 6 early signs of compatibility in a relationship that predict marital success:
1. You don't try to change each other
Josh Willink | Pexels
You don't start dating someone because you like a, b, and c about them, but plan on changing d, e, and f later on down the road. You aren't dating them to change them. You're dating them because you love who they already are and who they will always be.
This doesn't mean some things won't eventually change or need to change, but both of your mentalities should never be "How can I make this person a better fit for me?" Rather, "How can I better myself for this person?"
2. You're able to reach compromises together and look out for each other's best interests
Juan Pablo Serrano | Pexels
Regardless of how frustrating a situation may be, your love for one another should always be the core of how you resolve conflict. Your goal is to see your partner win — at their job, at their dreams, at life itself.
Whether that means giving up a habit, making a conscious effort to say/do something, or coming to a fair agreement regarding a situation or conflict, you will do exactly that. You will do whatever it takes. At all times. And know your significant other thinks the same.
3. You both know how to fight
Mikhail Nilov | Pexels
Arguments are inevitable. Two people won't always agree. Two spirits won't always have harmony. Two humans won't always be selfless. When these issues arise, how do you handle them as a couple?
Is there name-calling? Are sarcastic comments dropped? Do you tear each other down? Is it you against your partner?
Or are you both against the problem? Are you a team or both flying solo, hoping the other will reach your level at some point? Knowing how to fight means you are both focused on resolving the issue at hand and not proving you are right and they are wrong.
4. You ask about, study, and are considerate of each other's insecurities
Alex Green | Pexels
Insecurities can seem silly when you're the one dealing with them, but having a partner who wants to know your insecurities regardless of how foolish they may be to you is a healthy sign they care and want to crush your fears.
Even a strong relationship isn't perfect. However, when the weaknesses brought to life are worked through and conquered together, you can continue building a solid foundation for the future. According to research from the book Attached by Amir Levin and Rachel Heller, overcoming insecurities involves self-reflection, communication, and personal growth.
You should feel secure enough in your relationship to be able to tell your partner of any chips in your armor.
5. You feel safe with each other
cottonbro studio | Pexels
I'm not only referring to physical safety but also emotional and mental safety. You trust them, you know they are (and always will be) honest with you.
You don't question their love, or doubt their level of commitment to the relationship, you can be at your most vulnerable and exposed moment and know, without a doubt, they won't leave.
You know they'll stay even when things get ugly and rough, they'll fight for not only you but both of you as a couple, and they'll be there to help you pick up any broken pieces when it's been a tough day.
6. You bring balance to each other's lives
Monstera Production | Pexels
Whether you knew you needed balance or not, having them in your life has made you realize what a blessing they are and how stabilizing their presence is.
This can be anything from personality differences, weaknesses, and strengths, how they teach you things you never knew, the way they communicate, anything.
It's as complex and as simple as that. According to a 2023 study, compatible partners are more likely to create a stronger emotional bond and communicate more effectively.
Compatibility isn't about having a picture-perfect romance and relationship.
Nothing is perfect in this world. But two imperfect people can make a very perfect couple. When not only the compatibility but also the desire and effort to work through things together are there, I can guarantee you two have a shot as a couple.
Raquel Z. Duarte is an indie author of several books who has written for Thought Catalog and other publications.