How To Flirt With A Guy (Without Talking)
Foolproof ways you can flirt with a guy and never say a word.

Flirting without talking is much easier than you think!
A lot of people don't realize that flirting doesn't have to involve speaking and non-verbal flirting is a good way for more introverted people to happily get the ball rolling.
Once you find someone you're attracted to, you have to let them know how you feel. However, coming right out and saying you want him can feel a little uneasy and incredibly vulnerable! While you're not opposed to telling him he is attractive, vocalizing the words might be a bit too much too soon.
While trying to pull a sexy come-hither stare without looking as if you've got something in your eye might sound terrifying, we have some good news for you: you can flirt with a guy (and be sexy as hell) without having to say a word.
Remember this: Body language is as important as verbal cues.
The perfect place to start your flirt is to slow your breathing. Slow breaths relax you and those around you, but slower breathing can be a signal to let him know you're ready to take things to a whole other level.
After that, it's all about those subtle cues that tell him how you really feel.
How to Flirt With a Guy Without Talking
1. Use your mouth.
Give him a sexy half smile, bite your bottom lip or be a little more daring and lick your lips softly. Drawing his attention to your mouth lets him know you're thinking about kissing him.
2. Twirl your hair.
Much easier than attempting the perfect slow-motion hair toss, twirling your hair does the same thing. It draws attention to your face which is very expressive when it comes to how you feel.
3. Raise your eyebrows.
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Whether you believe it or not, your eyes can easily show desire and attraction.
A simple lift of your eyebrows is enough to focus his attention on how you feel about him.
Although flirting without uttering a single word sounds daunting, it really is quite simple.
Natural flirts seem to know the perfect thing to say to a man and drive him wild, while the rest of us sit wondering how to talk to a guy without being the queen of awkwardness.
Instead of rushing to fill the silence, let your body take the lead for a change. It'll say everything you want without all those awkward moments.
Moushumi Ghose, MFT, is a licensed therapist and author whose passion is around advocacy and change by breaking down barriers for better relationships.