The Secret To A Happier Marriage: Take Separate Vacations

If you do it right, that is.

woman lying on towel, striping from palm trees in shadow over her face Zolotarevs /

Vacations are a complete bliss with your partner by your side. You make love all day, revel in the presence of your partner, and indulge in so many wonderful activities that the both of you find interesting together.

"No! My partner is afraid of heights. Let's miss the absolute thrill of bungee jumping. Rather, stare at the hotel's television for the day."

They don't like Italian cuisine and you don't like spicy Chinese, so you order lettuce sandwiches.


What's worse, you haven't gone crazy with your friends in a while because all of your recent trips have been with your partnerThis is why so many couples take vacations apart.

In fact, taking separate vacations can help you have a happier marriage. 

They say "Distance makes the heart grow fonder." Well, it's true. So many happy couples are taking separate vacations and it's only helping their relationship to be healthier.

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Five benefits that happy couples experience by taking vacations apart

1. You don't have to compromise

Your partner and you connected over similar interests. It's the guiding force that keeps the two of you together. But there's no denying that a lot of appealing things in your eyes don't entice your partner.


Going on a solo vacation gives you the freedom to follow your individual escapades without making any compromises. The same goes for your partner.

You're free to go on daring adventures or watch lengthy opera shows on your own. The best part? There's no one nagging.

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2. You beat codependency (at least for a few days!)

In a relationship, couples tend to lose their identity over time. Instead of independent individuals, they become "one" with their partners. I know, this sounds romantic but it gets really scary in the long run.


You feed the seeds of co-dependency when you want to do each and everything with your significant other. Taking separate vacations allows you the opportunity to reconnect with yourself.

Both you and your partner embrace your individuality. This keeps your relationship fresh, exciting, and full of romance.

3. You get even more quailty time with family and friends

Taking solo vacations with friends and family is healthy for a couple. You get to celebrate your loved ones without any restrictions.

Finally, you can have a blast with your "girl besties" and enjoy the time with your boys. You can reminisce about embarrassing childhood stories and have fun just like in the old days.


Your beau may not share the same bond with your family and friends. Solo vacations not only liberate you but even they don't have to worry about getting tagged along.

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4. You can unleash hidden inner strength

Committed or single, going on a solo vacation is always empowering. It introduces you to a part of yourself that you never know existed before.

You realize you are much more resilient, strong, brave, and quick on the update than you thought. There's no one to rely on but yourself.

If your sweetheart who relies on you for almost everything wants to go on a solo trip and you're not supportive, it's time to rethink your decision.


5. You get to rejuvenate in solitude

Who doesn't want some "me time?" I know your spouse's face brings a bright smile to your face. But everyone needs some time alone to check in with themselves.

So whether it's a weeklong yoga retreat, writing a short story, or self-care sessions, spending time alone can do wonders for your mental health. Plus, it nourishes your relationship.

Also, let's not forget the intensity of the steamy lovemaking after the vacation ends. You guys will probably crave for each other.

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The key travel solo the right way when you're in a relationship

Taking separate vacations is fun, but not without making sure you do it right.


Lay out the "individual vacation" rules and regulations.

Both partners should be on the same page before taking vacations apart. Make certain rules such as the frequency of calls and relevant updates.

Be transparent on expenditures. And yes, stay away from infidelity.

Spend quality time together before your journey.


It's obvious to lose track of things in the excitement of the approaching vacation. It's going to be just about you. But that doesn't mean being careless about your partner's feelings.

They're going to miss you a lot and vice versa. Say a proper goodbye to them by spending quality time together. Whatever it is, make it special.

Don't replace couple trips with separate vacations

Do you know what's the secret behind the happiness of couples who go on solo vacations? They also spend a lot of time together.

Give separate places to solo trips and couples trips in your travel calendar. If you're planning a trip with your friends, supplement it with a romantic getaway with your other half.


Couples reuniting after taking individual vacations return with love, longing, and elevated levels of respect for their partners. Also, the individuality developed along the journey makes for a healthy relationship. 

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Sidhharrth S. Kumaar is the Founder of NumroVani and a registered pharmacist-turned-Astro-Numerologist.