3 Flirty Ways To Make Him Fall For You In A Flash
You're all he's going to be thinking about.

Learning how to flirt with a guy properly can be tricky. If you like him, then you may be a little nervous, shy, or even awkward about it, which can make it harder to do effectively. But don't worry! This tutorial will show you exactly how to do it in a smooth, 'breezy', fun way. And I'm going to give you some killer examples too! Don't get it in your head that flirting effectively is some kind of super difficult science that you either magically understand or don't. The simple truth is that flirting is the art of saying something mean while meaning something nice. In other words, it's the art of saying something that you intend to be a compliment. So flirting is a very subtle, indirect, and fun way of letting a guy know that you like him without actually saying, "Hey, I like you a lot."
Here are 3 flirty ways to make him fall for you in a flash:
1. Think like a puppy
It may sound a little weird, but let's be honest — puppies are the masters of flirting. Besides eating and sleeping, pretty much all they do is have fun and play fight with each other. This playful, fun attitude is exactly the kind of mindset you need to display when flirting with a guy. If you're serious (or worse, grumpy) when you're around him, he's going to get bored pretty quickly. But if you are just having fun and not taking anything too seriously, you'll notice that not only is it easier to talk to him, but it's super attractive to your man too!
2. Gently tease
Okay, so we have covered what flirting is and the attitude you need to have when flirting with a guy. Now it's time to learn some examples and techniques so you can properly learn how to flirt with a guy you like. One great way is to tease him like you would a little sibling. Now, I don't mean you should rub his knee when he hurts it or get him ready for school. Teasing him about some of his interests, hobbies or even sports teams is a great way to flirt with him and have fun. Here's an example:
- "So you like the New York Mets, huh? That must be tough!"
Remember when you say these kinds of things to your man, you're supposed to be flirting with him! They may sound like insults when you read them here but they're not! Make sure that you say them in a playful tone and with a playful smile. One final tip on teasing is this important rule: tease the general, not the specific. That is you should try to only tease general things like the state he's from (general), not the house he lived in (specific.) Another example would be teasing him about the company he works for (general), not his specific role in that company (specific.)
Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
3. Don't go overboard
When you're learning how to flirt with a guy you like, you'll notice that when you flirt just a little with him, you get great results. Because of this, many women think that if a little works well, more will work better. Flirting doesn't work like this. Too much flirting will just make you look immature and annoying. Flirting should be treated as the spice, not the main course. So pepper it into your conversations with guys you like. A little here, a little there. How will you know if you go overboard with flirting? It's simple. You need to watch and gauge your man's reactions to it. If he seems to like it, then try using it a little more. If he seems turned off by it, then tone it back.
Don't forget, flirting is supposed to be fun. I can't say this enough. Flirting is supposed to be fun. When you say something flirty to your man, you need to make sure you have at least a mischievous grin on your face, so that he knows you are just flirting with him.
Sean Jameson is a writer, relationship expert, and creator of the Bad Girl's Bible.