30 Compliments Every Guy Loves To Hear From The Woman He Loves
These compliments are proven winners for any man who wants to hear he's loved.

How far can flattery get you? Pretty far, research suggests. In fact, praise helps people to believe in themselves and motivates them to succeed.
Research conducted in the workplace concluded that six expressions of praise for each criticism significantly increases productivity. So why can't this same logic apply to romantic relationships? The answer is, it can — and should.
So get the positive energy flowing in your relationship with flattering phrases your partner really wants to hear.
Here are 30 flattering compliments every man loves to hear from his woman.
1. You make me feel beautiful.
This compliment is effective because you're telling your partner how you feel — and that it's a direct result of something he's doing.
2. I really admire the way you handled that.
A major ego-booster is genuinely complimenting a man's judgment, abilities, and integrity. Telling a man you admire his actions is a great way to show how much he's loved.
3. This meal you cooked is delicious.
People want to feel that their efforts are appreciated, so even if it's the third meal he's cooked this week, don't take it for granted. Even if you've had more than one helping, verbally compliment him to say how much you enjoyed his food.
4. My friends/family love spending time with you.
Acceptance within a relationship is crucial, and that extends to your inner circle, too. A man appreciates that the people who love you also recognize him as someone you value.
5. You're hilarious!
Sure, he may get it from the way you laugh hysterically at what he does, but it doesn't hurt to tell him how much he makes you giggle. All guys know that humor is one of the keys to charming a woman, and he'll be tickled to know he's got that in the bag.
6. I always feel safe with you.
Men are wired to protect their partners, so reaffirm this by reminding him that it's working.
Photo: Mikhail Nilov / Pexels
7. You're so sexy/good-looking.
Guys don't receive compliments about their looks and sex appeal as often as women do, and just like women, they can be insecure about their looks. So when he gets a compliment like this from you — the person he wants to be craved by most — it'll be that much more meaningful.
8. I need your advice.
This subtle yet powerful compliment appeals to your partner's desire to be needed by you — without you being needy, of course.
9. That girl was totally checking you out.
He'll love the fact that he's being checked out, and he'll be turned on that you're confident enough to point it out without being jealous.
10. I love it when you [fill in the blank].
This not only reinforces behaviors you truly enjoy, but it confirms to him that what he's doing is pleasing you, whether it's in or out of the bedroom.
11. Can you open this jar?
Sure, you may do CrossFit and be in great shape, and he may think that's hot. But once in a while, it's a turn-on for a guy to know his manliness comes in handy.
12. You're an amazing dad/brother/friend.
Let your partner know that you recognize the other relationships in his life in addition to his relationship with you, and that you've observed how special he is to those people. He trusts your judgment and will be genuinely flattered to hear it.
13. You're fearless!
Again, genuine compliments that appeal to his manhood will make him beam with pride. Telling him that he's fearless is just another simple way to make him feel good.
14. I really respect you.
When you tell a guy that you have respect for him, you're appealing to him right where he lives. A man thrives on knowing he has your respect and that he's a top priority in your life.
15. Wow, you really have been working out.
He's making the effort to look hot — for himself and for you — so show him you notice. It'll make him feel great and motivate him to keep it up!
16. I love talking to you.
While women tend to place a high value on communication, more so than men, it's flattering to him to know that he's communicating well and that you appreciate it.
17. That looks amazing on you.
Men take pride in their appearances, so when he gets all dressed up for a special occasion, he wants you to notice what he's wearing, and make him feel great about his fashion choices.
Photo: Photography Maghradze PH / Pexels
18. You're so smart.
You could call him attractive or funny or good at cooking, but complimenting a man's intelligence reminds him that he's so much more than his looks and hobbies.
19. You're more attractive than any of the men in that movie.
Both women and men are constantly inundated with images of "perfect" bodies and faces, especially those in Hollywood. But when you tell him that you prefer him over Brad Pitt or Idris Elba, he'll be putty in your hands.
20. You're so good at what you do.
Show him that you notice and respect what he invests his time and effort into, whether its a job, a pastime or even charity work.
21. My friends love you.
Men can be insecure about what their partners' friends think of them. Reassure him that he's welcome in the fold by reminding him that your friends enjoy his company, and that they like him because he makes you so happy.
22. You make me feel so comfortable.
There's nothing quite as heartwarming as knowing you bring your partner comfort. Men enjoy the emotional stability that a compliment like this inspires.
Photo: Mateus Souza / Pexels
23. I love you just the way you are.
You don't want him to change for you? Excellent. When he hears this, he'll be encouraged to be the best possible version of himself when he's with you — and it'll come naturally.
24. I miss you.
He'll feel confident knowing that you value him so much that his absence is palpable.
25. There's such warmth in your eyes.
This one sounds like a physical compliment, but you're actually complimenting the warmth of his personality, which is radiating through his eyes. It's like a compliment squared!
26. Your [insert hero of choice] has really rubbed off on you.
Maybe he idolizes his father, or perhaps it's his grandfather, uncle, or even a significant teacher in his life. Show him that you think highly of the peopleshe's influenced by and that you hold him in equally high regard.
27. I'm proud of you.
Whether you're proud of something he's done or simply proud to show him off, everyone wants to know they're valued in a relationship.
28. You have excellent taste.
Who wouldn't want to hear that their taste in books, music, movies, food — anything, really — is admired, especially from the person whose opinion matters most? Respect for his preferences garners trust, and he won't be afraid that you'll make fun of him for liking something that goes against popular opinion.
29. What would I do without you?
Remind him that, even though you're independent, you still need him.
Photo: Polina Tankilevitch / Pexels
30. I'd rather see you tonight than my friends.
When a woman is truly into a guy, she'll find time for him. And if it means elbowing out her friends every now and then, he'll know you're that into him.
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