The Top 5 Complaints Unhappy Wives Have About Their 'Clueless' Husbands, According To Therapists

Clueless husbands make for unhappy wives.

Last updated on Mar 15, 2025

Unhappy wife. Krill Balobanov | Unsplash

When there are problems in a marriage, it can often be difficult for unhappy husbands and wives to speak plainly to one another. Maybe one partner doesn’t want to hurt the other’s feelings. Or maybe they need to work out their thoughts before bringing up specific points.

However, there is a particular audience for whom spouses will not hold back: therapists. Marriage and couples therapists regularly hear uncensored accounts of what’s happening in relationships because, well, it’s their job. As they hear from multiple patients and multiple women, trends start to appear and they are met with several issues that come up in marriages.


So, to shed some light on what things clueless husbands might need to be keyed in on, we asked several therapists and relationship experts to share the common complaints wives have about them. Unsurprisingly, many issues revolve around communication breakdowns. Here’s what they said.

The top six complaints unhappy wives have about their husbands:

1. 'He doesn’t listen'

upset couple on couch Prostock-studio / Shutterstock

Therapists agree that this is one of the more common complaints women have about their husbands. Communication is, of course, essential, but it tends to dry up. When this happens, frustration builds and many wives say they’re forced to ask their husbands again and again about something.

This leads to accusations of nagging and more frustration. “The persistence of this complaint is related to chronic power struggles and repetitive conflicts in which partners begin their conversations by listing the other person’s faults and shortcomings, leading to too much attack and self-protection,” says relationship expert, psychologist, and therapist Polly Young-Eisendrath, Ph.D.

Theresa Herring, LMFT, a Chicago-area relationship therapist, suggests that men who feel that they’re being nagged take a moment to hear what’s being said. “Think of it as an investment in your marriage,” she says, “and modeling a healthy partnership to your children.”

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2. He doesn’t understand how hard I work'

tired wife cleaning Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock

Being a mom is a challenging, difficult, and never-ending job. There are some jobs that only a mom can do (such as nursing); and many other jobs that often go unnoticed.

So, given the number of responsibilities a mother has, combined with the lack of sleep and irregular hours, therapists say a lot of mothers describe feeling helpless. This can also be amplified if the mother also works.

“Many women feel the pressure to succeed professionally, and as mothers and partners,” says Heather Z. Lyons, a licensed psychologist, couples counselor, and owner of the Baltimore Therapy Group.

“However, gender roles and the traditional division of household labor doesn’t always accommodate women’s immersion in all of these areas or support women’s competence in all three areas.”

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3. 'He doesn’t compliment me on my appearance'

unhappy wife sitting next to man on couch Yuri A / Shutterstock

Many men tend to fall into this trap because their wives will say they don’t want to be judged on their appearance or that they want to just be loved the way they are. This can lead men to become a little lax when it comes to handing out compliments.

According to Young-Eisendrath, this comes down to communication between both parties. Men need to dole out compliments, and women need to be more obvious about asking their husband’s opinions.

“If [a woman] wants her partner to compliment her appearance, let him know and then turn his attention to a new hairstyle, outfit, or pair of shoes,” says Young-Eisendrath. “Don’t ‘test’ him as to whether or not he sees something that is new; just ask him what he thinks.”

RELATED: Clinical Psychologist Reveals One Of The Most Common Complaints She See From Wives In Couples Therapy


4. 'He doesn’t make time for me or our kids'

upset woman talking to man Prostock-studio / Shutterstock

In traditional family arrangements, where the husband is working all day, therapists often hear wives complaining that their husbands take downtime to unwind when they get home.

While having time to de-stress is crucial, when it begins to happen to the exclusion of others in the family, it can create problems.

When husbands want downtime and space to prevent themselves from having work issues impact their home life, they need to make sure they discuss it with their partner first and let them know that you are happy to arrange your schedule to accommodate family time as well.

“And, while you’re at it, please put a date night on the calendar,” says Herring. “Putting relationships on the back burner for any substantial length of time is a recipe for disaster.”

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5. 'He doesn’t support me emotionally'

unhappy couples on couch Prostock-studio / Shutterstock

This common complaint also stems from a communication breakdown, in which both partners in the relationship feel as though they’re not being heard.

What therapists usually hear is that a wife is always upset, which makes her feel like her needs aren’t being met. Meanwhile, the husband is always frustrated, because he feels like he can’t make her happy.

“This situation persists as long as partners are unable to respect the emotional space between them, that they cannot see or feel the other person’s experiences perfectly, exactly or comprehensively,” says Young-Eisendrath.

Taking time to talk about one another’s perspective and to know what the other is dealing with is crucial.

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Jeremy Brown is a writer and editor for print and digital publications all over the world. He writes on a wide range of topics, from marriage and family to pop culture and entertainment.
