6 Charming Signs You Have A Fiercely Loyal 'German Shepherd Husband'
You're the only one he has eyes for.

Allie Balfour describes herself as a wife, stay-at-home mom, and “holiday enthusiast” in her TikTok bio. Along with seasonal content, she shares her expert perspective on the intersection of dog personality types and romantic partnerships.
She recently revealed the crucial differences between the celebrated Golden Retriever boyfriend and his counterpart: The German Shepherd husband.
Here are 6 charming signs you have a fiercely loyal ‘German Shepherd Husband’:
1. He’s completely committed to you.
Balfour expressed appreciation for the Golden Retriever boyfriend, saying they’re “the sweetest guys ever, but for some women like me, it honestly just made me feel insecure.”
“I ended up marrying the opposite,” Balfour explained. “I married a German Shepherd husband.”
A German Shepherd husband is extremely loyal. As Balfour explained, “You just never even have an ounce of doubt that you are his priority and that he’s going to take care of you.”
German Shepherds were originally bred as sheep herding dogs in the late 1800s, which means taking care of others is an essential part of their genetic makeup. If you have a German Shepherd husband, you can always be sure you’re his number one person, his ride-or-die, the most important one in the pack.
2. He’s ‘super protective.’
As Balfour sees it, a German Shepherd husband has “a very protective energy.”
“Anytime you’re in public, everybody knows he’s your man,” she explained.
According to the American Kennel Club, the German Shepherd will put their lives on the line for the people they love. A German Shepherd husband puts his partner first, as his loved one’s safety and comfort are of the utmost importance to him.
3. He’s loving and cuddly, but only with you.
Much like the dog breed themselves, German Shepherd husbands can come off as aloof and distant, yet that cool exterior hides an inner warmth that they reveal when they feel totally connected to their person.
Photo: Jelena Zelen / Shutterstock
4. He’s hardworking.
The American Kennel Club describes German Shepherds as "all-purpose workers." Their areas of expertise range from their original herding role to being essential K-9 workers, as they’re their preferred pups for military and police work.
If you have a German Shepherd husband, you can be sure he’ll steadfastly do his job.
5. He’s dedicated.
Golden Retriever boyfriends are friendly, outgoing, and excited to get to know everyone they meet, yet German Shepherd husbands are more stoic and reserved. They care less about being the most-loved one in the room, and more about being most-loved by their partner.
Photo: G-Stock Studio / Shutterstock
6. He’s focused.
Balfour’s final commentary on German Shepherd husbands was to remark on the extreme level of focus they have for the task at hand, including loving you.
She shared that a German Shepherd husband “never ever gives any attention to any other woman but you, because they’re so loyal… No woman even thinks for a second that they have a chance with him.”
Balfour has clearly put a lot of thought and consideration into what makes a German Shepherd husband her preferred romantic partner. In a previous post focused on dog-related relationship dynamics, Balfour described her own relationship as “German Shepherd boyfriend [and] Yorkie girlfriend.”
“If you’re a Yorkie girlfriend, you are energetic, outgoing, super spunky… and you’re very needy," she explained. "You just need a lot of quality time.”
“They’re all bark and no bite,” she said. “That is why Yorkies get along so well with a German Shepherd boyfriend… Because Yorkies are all bark and no bite, their German Shepherd boyfriend can protect them.”
Balfour added, “10 out of 10, would recommend.” So, if you’re looking for loyal, big-dog energy, look no further than a German Shepherd husband.
Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers relationships, pop culture, and all things to do with the entertainment industry.