7 Charming Behaviors That Can Make A Man Want To See You Again

How to score a date with someone who catches your eye.

Woman knows the charming behaviors for how to get a man to want her again. AntonioGuillem | Canva

Nothing is more tedious than an endless string of first dates that lead to nowhere. If you keep hearing, "I'll call you," but your phone doesn't ring ... it’s time to take your dating game to the next level!

To make it past the first encounter, four things need to happen. I call them the 4 C’s: Connection, Chemistry, Compatibility, and Curiosity. They go together like this. When you create an emotional connection, you spark a deeper physical chemistry, which gives him time to assess whether there is any personality compatibility, and when there is, he’s naturally curious and can’t wait to see you again. So here are some ways to ignite that “gotta see you” attitude on your next date.


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Here are 7 charming behaviors that guarantee a man will want to see you again:

1. Exude interest

Nothing shuts a guy down faster than not being able to tell if you are interested in him. So show your interest with the three magic words, “Tell me more,” while making friendly eye contact and touching him lightly on the hand or shoulder. Eye contact has been proven by research to lead to love.

Charming Behaviors That Guarantee A Man Will Want To See You Again Drew Rae / Pexels


2. Captivate him

But you can’t just be interested; you also have to be interested. A great way to captivate his interest is to be unlike every other girl he’s had a first date with. 

To stand out, arm yourself with some fascinating questions he’s not used to hearing on the first date. This will create an engaging conversation that makes you both seem compelling. Another great way to start a conversation on a first date? Research from The National Library of Medicine shows that being transparent is a great start.

3. Have an opinion

Oh sure, guys like a girl who’s easygoing and friendly, but they also want to know you have a backbone and will stand up for what you believe in and won’t put up with any trash from him either. Confidence (not aggressiveness or arrogance) is attractive. So whether he’s asking about what restaurant, which movie, or your political standing, avoid the “whatever you like” trap. State your honest opinion and allow him to meet your needs, too.

4. Radiate passion

Day-to-day life can be a little mind-numbing, so when you come along and excitedly share something meaningful that you're passionate about, you’ll light up and create a sense of aliveness between you. So don’t be shy, share what matters most to you and why. Then ask him what he’s most passionate about too. The extra energy this generates will create magnetic attraction.


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Charming Behaviors That Guarantee A Man Will Want To See You Again Edward Eyer / Pexels

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5. Convey graciousness

Talk isn’t all that matters. He’s watching your every move to see who you are. And what he wants is a partner who's great to come home to after a stressful day. So show him how supportive and friendly you are by being thoughtful and sweet to everyone around you, including wait staff, passersby, or others you interact with.


6. Go with the flow

Life can be enough of a drag without a partner who's all doom and gloom. While it’s obvious to keep the negativity out of your words, you also need to show him that you can take things in stride. So when things don’t go perfectly smoothly (the table service sucks, the movie's sold out, it rains on your mini-golf), he’ll be impressed when you’re the first one to say, “That’s okay, no worries. I’m having a great time with you anyway.”

7. Make the ending easy

Guys can get a little gun-shy after being repeatedly rejected, so if you want to see him again, make it easy for him. Look him in the eye, smile radiantly, touch him gently, and say, “I had a great time tonight. I love how smart, thoughtful, and funny you are (or whatever is true).”

By opening the door for him, you’ll make it easy for him to ask you out for a second date. By stepping into your radiant, captivating, and passionate self on every date, you’ll invite more guys to notice what a great catch you are.


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Jennifer Oikle, PhD is a clinical psychologist and former contributor to GalTime.