23 Best Songs About Falling In Love With Your Best Friend
Falling in love with your best friend is so common (and so sweet) these popular artists recorded some of the world's best love songs about it.

When I was a kid, I wasn't sure how I felt about the idea of falling in love with your best friend. It seemed like something grown-ups loved talking about; but when you're a kid, it's a baffling idea.
For one thing, I didn't have any male best friends, and though I might not have hit puberty at that point, I definitely knew when it came to falling in love, I fell on the cis-het side of the spectrum. Plus, all of the stuff I did with my best friends wasn't exactly "romantic-walk-on-the-beach-at-a-Sandals-resort-for-couples" I expected to encounter in my romantic life.
But in a way, I now understand. It’s natural to fall for your best friend. After all, who else knows you better?
Don't let the fire consume you, instead, relax into some songs that know exactly how you feel. If you have fallen in love with your BFF and you're experiencing powerful emotions, I highly recommend you fill up a playlist with the best love songs for your particular situation STAT! Luckily for you, I'm here to help you in that quest.
23 Best Songs About Falling in Love With Your Best Friend
1. "Lucky" by Colbie Calliat ft. Jason Mraz
This touching duet is the ultimate "awww" love song for two best friends in perfect love.
2. "The Way I Feel Inside" by The Zombies
When you fall for a friend there are a lot of questions that go spinning around in your head. The Zombies do their best to answer every single one.
3. "Do You Wanna Know A Secret" by The Beatles
The Beatles have countless amazing hit songs and their genius spans decades. But it's this tender, early serenade about love and friendship that will leave a major impression on your heart.
4. "Breathe" by Iyaz
Love and friendship often get entwined in ways that can be confusing. Iyaz totally captures that feeling with this killer track.
5. "Mary's Song" by Taylor Swift
Nobody tells the story of agonizing friendship that's really getting in the way of love quite like Taylor Swift — and let's hope it stays that way.
6. "If It Kills Me" by Jason Mraz
If you haven't crushed out on a friend who is with someone else, this won't resonate with you at all. If you have, welcome to being human and we hope this song helps.
7. "Best Friend" by Jason Chen
Love, like lots of other things in life, is all about growth and change. Jason Chen captures that here in spades.
8. "My Best Friend" by Weezer
If you have ever been in love, this is the song you wanted to sing to your friend and lover. Thanks, Weezer!
9. "Everlasting Friend" by Blue October
The hardest thing about dating your best friend is what happens if you break up. This song gives feuding couples and besties hope for the future, no matter what form it takes.
10. "Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore" by REO Speedwagon
Isn't it crazy that so many of us want love and so many people run from it? REO Speedwagon knows, and they sing it well.
11. "Something To Talk About" by Bonnie Raitt
Hey, if everyone is already saying that you have something romantic going on with your bestie, why not just go for it? Listen to Bonnie!
12. "Save The Best For Last" by Vanessa Williams
Sometimes love with a friend sneaks up on you and takes your breath away. Something that Vanessa Williams sings about with beauty and passion.
13. "Falling In Love (With My Best Friend)" by Matt White
What happens when you start to date your best friend? Is it great, or are you losing one relationship for another? These lyrics cut to the quick.
14. "I Want You To Want Me" by Letters To Cleo
Desire, want, plain and simple. When the love of friendship turns into pure hot lust, oh, mama look out! Originally by Cheap Trick, Letters to Cleo's cover of this rock classic packs a love drunk punch.
15. "Shiver" by Coldplay
The only thing worse than breaking up with one of your friends is falling in love with them and waiting for them to notice you "that way" too.
16. "All You Never Say" by Birdy
Pine, pine, and pine some more. Love with a friend, Birdy knows, ain't all it's cracked up to be sometimes.
17. "1000 Times" by Sarah Bareilles
When you fall in love and you know its for keeps, you don't mind waiting for you friend to figure it out too.
18. "Complicated" by Carolyn Dawn Johnson
Feelings are haaaaaaard. Luckily for us, we don't have to try and put words to them, because Carolyn Dawn Johnson already did it for us.
19. "Fallingforyou" by 1975
There's something giddy and magical and freeing about finding love in someone you've known your whole life. This track captures that feeling with sheer perfection.
20. "Head Over Feet" by Alanis Morissette
The "hidden" track on Morissette's seminal album, this sweet, simple song about friendship turned love will make you smile from ear to ear.
21. "I've Been Thinking 'Bout You" by Mariah Carey
Leave it to Lady Mariah to make falling in love with one of your dudes a totally transcendent experience.
22. "Anyone Else But You" by The Moldy Peaches
There are a lot of songs about love and falling in love, but none of them capture the innocence and joy of love at any age the way this song does.
23. "Accidentally In Love" by Counting Crows
Careful, this one is an earworm.
Falling in love, even when it's falling in love with a friend, can really sneak up on you. Counting Crows celebrate that dizzy feeling with this stellar song.
Rebecca Jane Stokes is an editor, freelance writer, former Senior Staff Writer for YourTango, and the former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek. Her bylines have appeared in Fatherly, Gizmodo, Yahoo Life, Jezebel, Apartment Therapy, Bustle, Cosmopolitan, SheKnows, and many others.