5 Reasons To Avoid Marrying A Multi-Millionaire

It's not as simple as 'But I love them!'

Last updated on Oct 12, 2024

Woman walking with multi-millionaire man who ignores her Tinxi via Shutterstock

Millionaires and billionaires live on their own planets just as they often live on their own islands and there's a job description for their partners that's dramatically different from any other relationships. Before you venture into these shark-infested waters, it's important to know what to expect if you're marrying a millionaire. 

Regardless of how much you love this person, you need to understand what a millionaire match offers you and what it may not. Then, you need to clarify your unique situation with your partner to see if it's a long-term solution for love, respect, financial stability, and more. To get you started, consider these pros and cons of marrying a very wealthy person. 


Note: While I'm using "he" and "him" in this article, there are plenty of very wealthy women out there, too, and most of the same advice applies!

Here are the real pros and cons of marrying a multi-millionaire

1. Pro: He has lots of money

Con: Since it’s his money, it’s his to spend

Even if he's generous, which most millionaires are not, will he spend his money on what is important to you? Probably not, unless he agrees with your priorities.

In my last millionaire match, he bought me a pair of gorgeous Tiffany pearls and diamond studs on our first date! This was incredibly generous. However, I already had the same earrings, given to me by another millionaire boyfriend!


Couple walk down sidewalk happily CarlosBarquero via Shutterstock

2. Pro: He takes fabulous vacations and invites you to join him

Con: Do you really want to do what he likes all the time?

Either way, you’re baking in the sun. Do you want to travel to far-away archeological sites or spend weeks birdwatching or hunting?

Remember these are his vacations, and you are there for his entertainment unless, by some miracle, you share the same hobbies.


I've avoided sitting in the sun for 30 years, having spent a decade baking and damaging my skin. During my latest millionaire match, I found myself keeping him company at the pool of an amazing resort because he loves the sun.

You must protect your assets just as he's protecting his own.

The moment you begin dating your "high net worth man," research his interests, and his children’s interests, and decide if you’re a true match or just a charm on his bracelet, otherwise, find a different millionaire match fast. Psychological Reports Journal published research supporting how shared interests are critical to marital satisfaction.

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3. Pro: He looks stunning in his custom-made wardrobe, and you love the way he dresses

Con: Now you have to co-sign on that level of fashion and consumerism

You start purchasing bargains online to look the part.

One of the dresses I wore on a recent outing received a heartfelt "Wow!" from my date. The dress cost $11 online and was truly spectacular!

Most important is that I looked like a perfect match for him because my hair, nails, skin, figure, and makeup looked millionaire-ready — and you can do this too if you know the secrets.

If you have a great figure, you can look great in bodycon dresses, bikinis, and high heels. Your body is your accessory more than any real pearls, diamonds, or gems you probably don’t yet possess. Be aware, as Stefanie A. Heimbach states in an analysis of American beauty ideals, "Because of so much focus on the female body, a woman oftentimes becomes an object rather than a living, breathing person."


4. Pro: He takes great care of his body and his skin with the help of costly experts

Con: You're expected to look like an ageless starlet forever

But, without the studio system support of complimentary hair, makeup, wardrobe, personal trainers, cosmetic dentistry, and prepaid plastic surgery.

I've had all of this, so, for me, it’s about maintenance, which is far less expensive. Most millionaire matches require the same aesthetics whether you’re a blonde, brunette, or redhead, so focus on your own type and make the most of yourself as soon as you can.

While it's not easy to be gorgeous and to stay gorgeous, you can do it. And you can be your own version of gorgeous.

Happy couple raise arms and are on a road trip Monkey Business Images via Shutterstock


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5. Pro: He has an amazing earning capacity

Con: He works so many hours to accomplish his financial results that his time for you is limited

This latest millionaire match offered me four nights and four half days at five-star resorts during 30 days.

If this meets your needs for connection, companionship, passion, and fun, then you may enjoy the high-profile millionaire dating option.


In the past, I have had to "drop everything" to take vacations and trips or risk losing my boyfriend to a more available companion because millionaires don't often like to hear "no." This dynamic is described in a study in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships on how positional and experienced power are associated with relationship quality.

With so many pros involved in dating and marrying a millionaire, you still need to evaluate all the things you'll need to put up with to get there if it's truly your goal. You need to think about what your life will be like. But if you're willing to put the effort in, you can make anything happen.

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Susan Allan is a Life Coach whose Evolution Revolution Trainings offer proven tools to experience joy, and happiness and let go of suffering.
