Woman Hasn't Heard From Her Serious Boyfriend In Over A Week — 'I'm Fighting For My Life Over A Man'

The universe always releases those who do not serve your highest purpose.

woman cries on couch while waiting for response on phone AntonioGuillem / Canva Pro

Every relationship faces its fair share of conflict, drama, and miscommunication — it’s what helps us cultivate a better understanding of ourselves and each other. 

As challenging as they are, these moments offer us opportunities to self-reflect, grow, and find a middle ground. That's exactly what happened to one woman who documented her heartbreak in real-time.

One woman feared for the longevity of her relationship after her boyfriend ghosted her for over a week.

The woman, who goes by Elizabeth on TikTok, took to the app to air out her anxiety after realizing the potential outcome of her relationship.


“You know, life really does come at you fast because one minute, my boyfriend’s meeting my parents and spending a day with his grandparents,” she began the video. “And the next day, we have like a mini communication breakdown, and I don’t hear from him, and it’s been a week, and my birthday is in two days.”

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Elizabeth didn’t explain the specifics of the conflict, but whatever the circumstances were, they surely did not justify her boyfriend’s dismissive avoidance.

His decision to “stonewall,” or emotionally disengage, from his own girlfriend indicates that he is not mature enough to be in a relationship. When conflicts arise, both partners need to communicate and hear each other out. While taking some time to distance yourself and process your thoughts is a healthy way to work through disagreements, ignoring your partner for a week is rather extreme.

“Needless to say, I’m fighting for my life over a man — nay, boy — and writing [stuff] on post-it notes, like ‘You’re worthy of love’ and ‘You’re not a worthless piece of garbage’ and putting it on my bathroom mirror,” she added. “I’m not doing well.”

Despite her anxiety and fear over the matter, the woman exemplified a beautiful example of offering herself compassion in the face of a toxic and neglectful interaction with her partner.


In another video, the woman updated viewers on the relationship, affirming she is officially single.

“I’m officially 36, and I’m single against my will,” she stated. “I didn’t think I’d be here again, but here we are.”

She explained that her now ex-boyfriend did wish her a happy birthday, but when she suggested seeing him when he’s back in town and going for a walk together to chat, he went radio silent again.

“My feelings didn’t just shut off … I want to have a face-to-face conversation,” she justified. “I’m just processing. It’s shocking; it’s very out-of-character for this person.”

Even after her ex-boyfriend’s avoidant behavior, the woman exhibited a graceful outlook on the situation. She empathized with him and recognized that he may be battling something beyond her understanding.


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“I think whatever he’s going through, like, it makes me sad that I can’t be there for him or we can’t talk through it, but this is just what’s in front of me, so I just have to work through the emotions,” she said.

She’s utilized healthy coping mechanisms in the aftermath of their breakup, spending a lot of time crying, writing, exercising, spending time with her friends, and documenting her experience on TikTok. In essence, she is keeping herself busy by focusing on her life and the blessings that surround her.


“I’m just sorry that so many people could relate to this because you have to communicate,” she emphasized. “Conflict is inevitable. I’m not talking about toxicity and abusive situations; that’s not okay. But conflict is normal and healthy.”

Elizabeth is certainly not wrong. A 2021 study found that healthy communication, especially after conflict, is integral to a relationship's longevity and satisfaction. And while active listening is often cited as the most important element of healthy communication, it only works if both partners are willing to talk.

TikTokers offered the woman their sympathy and support, suggesting this outcome was in her best interest.

“Couples therapist here. He saved you a divorce. What a gift,” one person commented. “Sometimes when things fall apart, they are actually falling into place,” someone else pointed out. “Sometimes the things we see as ‘out of character’ reveal their true character. Rooting for you in this next life stage,” another person identified.

Despite the pain and heartbreak she is likely experiencing, the woman was right to choose herself and her peace over a boyfriend who would easily dismiss and ignore her over a miscommunication. 


She has since taken a trip to New York for the weekend to get out of her environment and focus on her needs.

While his response was a shock to the woman, he revealed his true colors and additionally saved her the heartache of a much more painful divorce in the long run.


As the woman mentioned, conflict is an element of every relationship, romantic or not, but it’s how individuals choose to overcome and work through the issue that demonstrates their emotional intelligence and strength. 

RELATED: How To Break Up With Someone As Respectfully As Possible

Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, adventure, and spirituality topics.