Wife Asks If She Should Confront Her Husband After Hearing Him Crying In The Bathroom Because They Ran Into His Ex

"They were together for 9 years, but she ended the relationship when he didn’t take the relationship to the next level."

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A wife is questioning whether or not she should speak with her husband after noticing the reaction he had after they unexpectedly bumped into his ex-girlfriend. 

She claimed that her husband's reaction took her by surprise, and she's now wondering if it's a sign of how he feels about her and their marriage in general.

She asked if she should confront him after hearing him cry in the bathroom because they unexpectedly saw his ex-girlfriend.

In her Reddit post, she explained that she met her husband two years ago and he popped the question six months ago. 


He told her he knew she was the one and didn't want to waste any time. It was a sweet proposal and an easy "yes" since she was in love with him in the same way.

@scalingstories u/Hairy-Collection-852I heard my husband crying in the bathroom after we bumped into his ex-girlfriend, am I cooked? Plus one update. #scalingstories #minecraftparkour #reddit #redditstories ♬ original sound- ScalingStories

They've been married for six months and are expecting their first baby together. However, despite their newlywed bliss, a recent interaction has raised a bit of concern for her. She recalled that while out with her husband, they suddenly bumped into his ex-girlfriend.


"They were together for 9 years, but she ended the relationship when he didn’t take the relationship to the next level," she wrote. "When we got engaged and married my husband texted her to tell her and to apologize and talked about fate and how some things aren’t meant to be."

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When she questioned why he felt the need to reach out to a former partner after their marriage, he admitted that he simply didn't want her to hear from other people.

He felt he owed her an apology since he had no desire to propose to her when they were together and that was the reason for their split. 

When they bumped into the ex, she was visibly pregnant and holding a child's hand, who couldn't be more than 7 or 8.


She was also with a man who was clearly her partner, judging by how affectionate the two were. The Redditor's husband stopped to say hi, even though she knew they could've kept walking, and his ex and her new partner wouldn't have even noticed. He insisted on wanting to talk to her. 

"When we got home, I heard him crying in the bathroom. He has been depressed and distant the whole week. I realized he must’ve written to her after we got home and he showed me his phone. [He] apologized for what he did and told her that some things are not meant to be," she continued. 

Of course, it's more than understandable that she would be a bit taken aback by her husband's reaction. Questioning whether or not she should confront him, the best solution would definitely be to sit down with him and have a civil conversation where she voices how she feels and explains to her husband that his behavior and attitude after seeing his ex had her concerned about the strength of their relationship.

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It's never easy getting over an ex-partner, even if it's been years. 

They had been together for almost a decade, so naturally, he was still going to have love for her, but at the end of the day, he chose to marry and start a family with someone else. 

According to BetterHelp, the end of a relationship is a lot like mourning a loss. The grief ebbs and flows. And for some people, it's impossible to truly move on without a total resolution. Seeing his ex with a family of her own was that resolution, and naturally, he had a moment of grief to mourn the closing of that chapter.

His response does not mean he regrets his new life. He was simply letting go of the past.

People in the comments agreed that she was not wrong for feeling a bit off after noticing her husband's reaction.

"You deserve to be respected as his wife and mother of his child. He should have dealt with these feelings before jumping headfirst into a relationship and getting you pregnant. You have to decide if you are ok being a placeholder for what could have been for him," one Reddit user pointed out.


Another user suggested that she should have a conversation with her husband, but if it doesn't go the way that she wants, she shouldn't feel obligated to put his feelings before her own, adding, "By all means, talk to him, but please do yourself a favor and put your own feelings above his tears."

"Don't waste your time on someone who doesn't actually love you; it's time you can spend looking for someone who does or looking after yourself and your baby when they arrive."

At the end of the day, she won't know how her husband is truly feeling both about her and his ex-girlfriend until she speaks with him. If he does want to be with her and spend the rest of his life building a family with her then he'll take her feelings into account and apologize for the way that he behaved.


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Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.