8 Unhealthy Habits That Mean A Man Is Simply Incapable Of Commitment
Get yourself out of a bad situation before it devolves even further.

When you put yourself out into the dating world, you'll no doubt come across a player or two (or more!), and may end up getting played when you feed into their false identity.
Players are hot and cold because they don't want you to think you're in a relationship with them, but they also don’t want you to think you're single either. They want to keep the relationship “undefined.”
By not defining things, your relationship is automatically categorized as a "situationship." What does that mean? It means he wants all the boyfriend perks without any commitment. He wants your loyalty but cannot give you his because you aren't his girlfriend.
According to a YouGov survey, half of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 have been in a situation.
Here are 8 unhealthy habits that mean a man is incapable of commitment:
1. He never has deep conversations with you
A player wants to keep all the conversations fun, light, and airy. He knows that if you get into an argument, he’ll no longer be in your good graces. Being on your good side increases his likelihood of getting what he wants.
The truth is, players don’t care enough to ask those deep questions or to get to know you on a more personal level. He's completely satisfied with just small talk and flirting.
2. He only texts you late at night
A player doesn't view you as a priority, so reaching out to you is the last thing on his mind. He contacts you only when it’s convenient for him. Players are notorious for sending the “WYD?” text. And we all know what that means.
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3. He never takes you out on a date
Watching Netflix together isn't a date. While there’s nothing wrong with staying in and watching Netflix together, it becomes a problem when that’s all you do.
A man who values you will invest in you, and that means he’ll want to take you out on a date. A player doesn’t see your worth so he’ll avoid spending as much money as he can on you. That's why staying in and watching Netflix is always his preferred date.
4. He love-bombs you
Players are here for a good time, not a long time. He’ll bombard you with "good morning beautiful" texts and numerous lovey-dovey emojis early on in hopes that you’ll believe he truly cares about you.
In actuality, he's love-bombing you and doing all he can to get you emotionally attached as quickly as possible. It's all so he can get what he wants out of you.
According to a study that looked at the connection between narcissists and love-bombing, a narcissist will love-bomb you with constant communication and gifts in an attempt to manipulate you.
5. He wants to progress things physically really fast
More often than not, players are after one thing: getting you into bed. They want to see how far they can get with you.
A player isn't concerned about building an emotional connection; he just wants to “chill and see where things go.” When a guy says that, he’s almost always a player.
A guy who isn’t a player may be moving fast physically, too. The difference is that he’ll listen when you want to slow down, and he'll do anything to make you feel comfortable.
Your connection with him won’t be undefined, and he’ll make it clear. For example, he may not be ready to be in a relationship just yet, but he’ll opt to establish exclusivity.
6. He hides his phone from you
He’s hardly ever in an exclusive relationship, and when he is, he’s being unfaithful. Players always have other girls texting and calling them. He doesn’t want to get caught up messing with other women, so he tries to hide his phone.
He figures that if you don’t see the evidence, he can lie his way out of any cheating allegations. He might even say that you're asking to see his phone shows you don’t trust him and that it stems from your “insecurities.”
7. His stories don’t add up
You constantly catch him in lies, and he constantly denies it. Even if you have proof, he’ll say it’s not him or that it's not true. Players always have an excuse and a pass for why they’re doing something they're not supposed to.
8. He doesn’t introduce you to his friends and family
A guy that's playing you won’t want you anywhere near his loved ones. He doesn’t see himself having a long-term relationship with you, so he isn’t going to merge his life with yours.
When you truly like someone, you want to share as many aspects as possible of your life with them. Players, on the other hand, want your involvement with them to be separate from that part of their life.
Tamara Sanon is a writer from Orlando, Florida with a passion for covering health and wellness, relationships, astrology, and lifestyle topics. Her bylines have appeared on Unwritten, NSM Today, and Orlando Weekly, among others.