5 Habits That Will Make A Person Instantly Dump You, According To Research
Research found the littlest things can end any relationship.

We all have our dating dealbreakers. From bad hygiene to a low credit score, the list goes on (and sometimes, on). But what about those breakup-worthy traits your partner has when you're already in a relationship? According to a 2013 study, 55 percent of women would leave their man over little annoyances and habits.
What behavior, aside from the obvious offenders, like lying and cheating, is just so irritating that you'd call it quits? Take a look at the list below of the bad habits that have the potential to ruin relationships.
Here are the five habits that will make a person instantly dump you:
1. Smoking
A big dealbreaker for people before they get into relationships, smoking is also one — the biggest one — for people who are already in relationships. Remember in Sex And The City when Aidan found out Carrie was sneaking cigarettes and accused her of "cheating" on him?
Well, technically she was having an affair, but regardless, her smoking addiction was a big enough issue that he made her promise she'd quit or he couldn't be with her. And he's not alone.
Sixty-four percent of men and women agree: The smell of smoke and watching their loved one harm their health every day is the top breakup-worthy habit.
2. Never listening
Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock
What'd you say? After smoking, not listening came in as the second biggest dealbreaker for couples. It's a bad habit that affects how both of you behave. How can you communicate if you're not paying attention to the other person?
It fundamentally undermines the core need to feel heard, understood, and valued by your partner. This leads to a breakdown in communication, trust, and intimacy, ultimately impacting the overall well-being and satisfaction of the relationship.
Research by a 2022 study on couple therapy often highlights the importance of teaching couples to listen attentively to each other as a core component of improving relationship dynamics.
3. Poor money management
You've heard "it's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean" before. Well, the same principle applies to 22 percent of people, who said poor money management is a reason to call it quits. And, it makes sense, too.
Contrary to popular belief, women aren't looking for splurgers. How you handle your money says a lot about how much self-control you have — and how you handle other things in your life. Plus, there's research to back it up: money savers are more attractive than spenders.
4. Laziness
New Africa / Shutterstock
Would you end it with your significant other for being a couch potato? Nineteen percent of people surveyed would. Like many other traits, lacking motivation and ambition extends into other areas of your partner's life — and yours.
Research published by Personality and Individual Differences explains that laziness can signify a lack of commitment, responsibility, and effort. This can lead to imbalances in the partnership, feelings of resentment, and a perceived inability to contribute equally to shared goals and activities.
This can ultimately impact the overall well-being and satisfaction within the relationship. Labeling someone as lazy might be an oversimplification, and underlying issues like stress, depression, or health concerns could be contributing factors.
5. Hogging the remote
Here's a shocking one. For 15 percent of people, ownership over the TV is their partner's most irritating habit. Sure, it's annoying, but it seems like an easy fix. No one wants the Real Housewives to come between their relationship.
Michelle Toglia is the Executive Editor at Elite Daily, overseeing the site's entertainment, news, style, dating, and experiences coverage.