10 Tried-And-True Ways To Get Over Him (Or Get Him Back) Fast
That is, if you even want him back when you're done.

Welcome to your breakup! It hurts like hell, doesn't it?
Your body just goes numb. This is the lowest low you've ever felt in your entire life.
Everything's so gloomy, and you can't see past today. If you do, it's scary stuff — a life devoid of meaning and happiness.
Here's one piece of advice that will help you heal faster and in the process, get him back (even though you probably won't want him at that point). Drop all that yearning and pining now, and just move on.
Yes, move on.
If you've just broken up with your lover, don't waste time suffering terribly. Get yourself together to hop on the self-growth journey that will make you a magnet to great relationships with people worth your time — and maybe even your ex.
There's only one way to get your ex back to you and make yourself happy, self-sufficient, content and excited about life: Build your separate life from your ex, and find it as a source of endless enjoyment and passion.
Live life to the fullest. Love yourself first and foremost. Believe that you deserve love and someone who treats you with the utmost respect.
You need to turn your life around to get the love you deserve, be it with your ex or with someone else better.
Here are 10 tried-and-true ways to get over him (and get him back fast):
1. Keep yourself busy
Avoid laziness. The idle mind is the source of all misery. This is the time for you to try new things or do things you never thought you would have time to do. Force yourself if you have to. You'll thank yourself later for having the tenacity.
2. Get out of your house
If you're a homebody, try being more outdoorsy. The sun and beautiful weather and landscape are really good to restore your mood. It's so much better than languishing in your sorrow at home watching endless TV and binging on calorie-dense snacks.
3. Hit the gym
You release dopamine and endorphins, two chemicals responsible for your emotional well-being when you exercise. And you get hotter, too. Never underestimate the power of physical attraction to keep or attract a man again. Besides, whether or not you want to get your ex back, being physically fit and attractive is always a guaranteed self-esteem booster. You need lots of it after a breakup.
4. Surround yourself with beauty
Movies, books, music, art — anything that entertains you and takes your mind off him is recommendable.
5. Learn something new
Make a goal to master within a time frame and commit to it. You strengthen your brain with every new skill gained, and it also improves your sense of well-being. When you occupy your mental faculty in a challenging task, you have little time to dwell on your breakup.
6. Cut off all contact with your ex
Avoid any situation that might bring you face-to-face with him. You think "bumping into him by accident" will make him want you more, but it's more often than not creating a new cycle of hopelessness and desperation. You don't want to be a yo-yo girl. Actually, you become so much more attractive when he thinks and knows that you've truly moved on.
7. Meet new people
Especially with people engaged in the activities or new hobbies you share. You can look at different websites, like MeetUp.com, for such shared activities.
8. Date someone new
You're on a rebound, even though your heart isn't in it. Dating and experiencing transitional "relationships" are vital to your healing. But don't get too hot and heavy, because you're not ready for anything serious. Make sure the guys you're involved with are on the same page regarding speed. Go out and have fun with these gentlemen.
9. Focus on the positive
Try affirmations, self-hypnosis, yoga, or meditation.
10. Be grateful for the experience
Don't blame him for the breakup. Acceptance is the key to peace of mind and moving on. When you blame, you will never get out of the self-destructive cycles and patterns that hold you back. Have faith that everything will be fine eventually. When the universe throws you a lemon, turn it into lemonade.
Katarina Phang is a dating/relationship coach and feminine magnetism expert who has worked with and helped thousands of women from all corners of the world transform their relationships.