6 Subtle Things Women Do That Give Men The 'Ick'

Behaviors that may inadvertently turn men off.

Woman did subtle things and now man has the ick. Peopleimages.com | Canva

Men from all ponds of the dating pool have shared story after story relating the ways women have given them the 'ick' in the past. Some of them you may not relate to, others you may. Hopefully, these selections we found will help you figure out what you can do or say differently next time ... or maybe just realize that you're perfectly happy being single, thank you very much.

Here are 5 subtle things women do that give men the ick:

1. She has a sense of entitlement

"What gives me the ick is entitlement and an attitude that men are ATMs. 'I had a rich daddy who spoiled me, and now I have a lifestyle that I've become accustomed to. You can't or won't pay for my time? I'll find someone who will.'


2. She puts others down

"The need to put other people down. I can't stand it when someone has the constant need to see the worst in other people and let those around them know about it."

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Subtle Things Women Do That Give Men The 'Ick' Yan Krukau / Pexels


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3. She has a short fuse

"My girlfriend has this problem and it's been a serious test for me throughout our relationship not to get mad at her. She handles stress like a toddler. A minor inconvenience or difficulty in her life can completely derail her to the point where she can't do anything except focus on the issue.  So many times I've just wanted to tell her to get over it and behave like an adult, but that will just lead to a fight so I keep my trap shut and try to help alleviate some of the stress. But seriously, sometimes I feel like I'm dealing with an overly emotional child."  

Subtle Things Women Do That Give Men The 'Ick' Timur Weber / Pexels


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4. She can't see another person's perspective

"What gives me the ick is a woman with an inability to understand someone else's perspective. Like when someone can't put themselves in another person's shoes and understand that they would feel differently given another person's situation. It's staggering how so many people claim to have empathy but have massive blind spots."

5. She's majorly insecure

"Insecurity — because it presents itself in all sorts of ways. Jealousy, clinginess, being controlling/demanding, being overly sensitive. If someone needs me to make them feel better about themselves, they need therapy, not a relationship."

6. She punches down

"When she punches down with her humor or judgments of others. We know women receive a wealth of negative judgment and unfair criticism in this society, but when a woman punches down at other people who are more oppressed, and less privileged, it is a big ick!"


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Brittany White is a freelance writer who focuses on the latest news and relationships. She has written for Ocean Drive Magazine, Central Florida Future, and Knight News. 
