The Real Reason You Ex Blocked You, According To A Therapist

It can hurt when you find out your ex blocked you, but their reasons are probably helpful to both of you.

woman looking at her phone mikoto. raw Photographer / Pexels

So, your ex blocked you? Ouch, that sucks. But why did they do it? I mean your relationship wasn't that bad and you ended things on a positive note. What's with the undercut?

According to licensed therapist Jeff Guenther, blocking may just be another form of self-protection.

The Real Reason You Ex Blocked You, According To A Therapist

Blocking our ex is a way to cope and heal from a break-up. And let's face it, it's tough to move on when we're constantly reminded of our ex's face.




RELATED: If He Blocked You On Facebook, Block Him From Your Life

Could they have given us a heads-up? Sure, they could have. But do they owe it to us? Absolutely not, says Guenther.

According to licensed counselor Leah Aguirre, it's too easy to stalk your ex after a break-up. With a few clicks of a button, you can instantly catch up with each other.


However, this is not healthy for your ex or their self-healing journey. And by blocking us they protect their inner peace.

By going no contact, they make sure to not get tangled up in the past. Blocking also helps them avoid making up scenarios in their head, notes Aguirre.

Most importantly, blocking someone helps reinforce boundaries.

If your relationship was toxic reinforcing boundaries is necessary for your ex to move on. According to Aguirre, after a toxic relationship, abusers will use social media to continue problematic behavior. Blocking ensures the safety of their emotional well-being.


And I get it, being blocked is a tough pill to swallow and it can feel like a personal rejection. However, it's crucial to understand that this is your ex's way of healing and moving on.



Truthfully, we should take a note out of their book and do the same. So, how do we heal from our relationship and get over a break-up?

RELATED: The 7 Real Reasons He Blocked You On Facebook


Moving On From Your Ex

Most people will go through a painful break-up at some point. However, it doesn't have to be difficult to get over.

If you want to get over your ex allow yourself to feel, writes University of New Hampshire. Scream into your pillow and blast Taylor Swift on repeat. The important thing is not to suppress your emotions just because you want to be seen as "strong."

Next, prioritize your support system. As the University of New Hampshire writes, “Prioritize time with those who support, value, and energize you and minimize time with those people who don’t seem to understand and don’t support you.”

Go plan a friend night with your bestie or have a movie night with your family. And as your break-up journey progresses don't forget to focus on self-care.


Exercise or meditate to take your mind off things. Journal your thoughts to help you self-reflect or go on a walk to clear your head. The point is to engage in activities that will help relax both your mind and body.

self-care after breakupPhoto: - Yuri A / Shutterstock

Also, try limiting time spent on social media, says the University of New Hampshire. Instead, focus on engaging in new experiences.


According to Right as Rain by UW Medicine, “New experiences are good for our emotional health.” They give us a hit of dopamine and can help us overcome our fears.

As hard as it is, break-ups happen for a reason. Use your experience to self-reflect on what you've learned, writes the University of New Hampshire.

Don't beat yourself up and use past mistakes as a stepping stone for better decision-making.


Break-ups don't have to spell the end of everything. By learning to move on, you pave the way for new, fulfilling connections — with other people or yourself.

RELATED: Why It Hurts So Freaking Much To Get Over An Ex, According To Research

Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, and family topics.