11 Quiet Behaviors Of A Truly Miserable Wife

It can be confusing when a wife suddenly starts exhibiting behaviors that signal her unhappiness.

miserable wife looking at her wedding ring Dragana Gordic | Shutterstock

Sometimes it's obvious when a wife is feeling unhappy in a relationship, but other times, there are quiet behaviors of a truly miserable wife, making it difficult to gauge how one partner truly feels. Either it's because both partners are growing apart, or something is missing in the relationship that can cause the other person to pull back. 

No matter what the reason is, it can be confusing and heartbreaking to know that a significant other may no longer feel satisfied. And while that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes, it doesn't make it hurt any less. A truly miserable wife may start to exhibit signs and behaviors that, at first glance, may not seem like anything, but if you dive deeper into it, you slowly realize she's actually quite unhappy.

Here are 11 quiet behaviors of a truly miserable wife

1. She starts withdrawing emotionally

emotionally withdrawn wife sitting next to husband voronaman | Shutterstock

Anytime someone starts emotionally withdrawing in a relationship, this is a clear sign that someone isn't happy with the person they're with. They may start to distance themselves and display a lack of interest in keeping up conversations.

When a wife stops confiding in her partner and would rather be alone than talk about personal concerns or daily experiences, it's one of the subtle and quiet behaviors of a truly miserable wife.

According to a study from the Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapywithdrawing from a relationship is a defense mechanism used to avoid being hurt in relationships. 

"The instinct for self-preservation is understandable, especially if your partner has had a difficult history with relationships. However, withdrawing from a relationship as a strategy to avoid being hurt comes at a high emotional cost for both people," psychologist Mark Travers explained.

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2. She's constantly criticizing her partner

wife criticizing her husband Pormezz | Shutterstock

If you find that your wife is constantly criticizing you or nitpicking at every little thing that you do, that's a sign that she's probably miserable in the relationship. 

It can come from making belittling comments or dismissing the other person's feelings, and over time this behavior can create a rather emotionally exhausting dynamic, because no one wants to put up with someone who finds fault in everything they do.

"Rather than accept them or just move on, consider bringing up their hurtful nature with your partner to discuss where they come from. It's possible that by doing so, your partner will be willing to share some of their own insecurities. You can also share your own feelings of how much these comments erode your own well-being," psychology professor Susan Krauss Whitbourne, PhD suggested.

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3. She starts displaying a lack of appreciation

woman at home with serious expression Krakenimages.com | Shutterstock

When a wife is constantly undermining the kind things her partner does for her, and displays a lack of appreciation for having that person in her life, it might be a sign that she's feeling miserable. Over time, this lack of appreciation ends up creating an imbalance in the relationship and it isn't long before the other person starts to feel undervalued.

As licensed clinical social worker Jennifer Jacobsen Schulz explained, "Imagine tirelessly planning a special anniversary dinner for your partner, only to have them barely acknowledge your effort. This sinking sensation is the epitome of feeling unappreciated — a common but distressing experience in many relationships."

She continued, "Feeling cherished and acknowledged is fundamental to any healthy partnership. When appreciation diminishes, it not only sours individual moments but can also create a ripple of discontent that affects the entire relationship."

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4. She has passive-aggressive behavior

passive-aggressive wife sitting next to husband PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

Passive-aggressive behavior is an incredibly subtle and quiet behavior of a truly miserable wife, used to express dissatisfaction or frustration in a marriage. Instead of addressing issues directly, a wife who chooses to display passive-aggressiveness simply doesn't care about voicing her concerns or opinions because she's most likely already checked out of the relationship.

"People who use passive aggression are often not comfortable approaching an unsatisfactory situation directly. Instead, they use passive-aggressive behaviors to communicate. They may also be compensating for low self-esteem or a feeling of not being in control," explained health and psychology expert Nancy Lovering.

Additionally, a study published in BMC Psychiatry found that "self-directed passive-aggressive behavior" — a person purposely disregarding their needs, for example — "partially mediates the association between distorted self-monitoring and dysfunctional self-evaluation with depressive symptoms."

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5. She's constantly complaining

wife complaining to husband fizkes | Shutterstock

When a wife is constantly complaining about her relationship and finding an issue with everything because of how much it's getting on her nerves, it can be a sign of deep dissatisfaction.

While there's nothing wrong with having a moment where you just need to complain, doing it constantly and making your partner feel as if they can't do anything right without hearing complaints is just emotionally draining.

"If you are looking for a rule, John Gottman, noted relationship expert, claims that the magic ratio is five to one," relationship coach Marisa Flood said. "This means that for every negative interaction during conflict, a stable and happy marriage has five, or more, positive interactions."

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6. She's disinterested in doing shared activities

wife uninterested in doing activity with husband BongkarnGraphic | Shutterstock

A strong and healthy relationship means that both people involved have an interest in and support being able to do activities with their significant other. Even if it's something that they wouldn't necessarily want to do on their own, because they have love and compassion for their partner, they're at least willing to try it once.

However, one of the quiet behaviors of a truly miserable wife is actively refusing to participate in shared activities or hobbies that are interesting to their partner.

Stephen J. Betchen, marriage and family therapist, explained that couples fight less "because they generally agree on how to invest their energy and finances... Life is better in so many ways for couples who share interests. While not all relationships fail because partners have significantly different interests; they do not."

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7. She starts becoming indifferent

indifferent young woman standing outside Gigi Delgado | Shutterstock

Unlike displaying constant anger and frustration, being indifferent to anything related to a partner is a sign of feeling miserable in the relationship. When a wife becomes indifferent, she may start emotionally disengaging from conversations, showing a lack of interest in activities that her partner does, and not being supportive of their desires and goals.

According to a 2017 study, one of the main reasons couples enter therapy is because of emotional indifference. But partners who feel indifferent towards the relationship may end up using therapy as a way to end their marriage, not fix it.

While indifference doesn't have to be the end of the relationship, it's a sign that something needs to change and should be addressed immediately.

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8. She slowly stops trusting you

woman who doesn't trust easily Romanchini | Shutterstock

In any healthy and compassionate relationship, trust is extremely vital to creating long-lasting connections. A wife who suddenly stops trusting her partner may feel uneasy about their actions and is struggling with being able to see that there is any stability in the relationship.

When trust is missing in a relationship, there are definitely ways to help bring it back, whether that be couples counseling or having active conversation and dialogue about what is missing and what happened to bring on this lack of trust. At the end of the day, restoring trust takes both people and full transparency.

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9. She's actively avoiding conflict resolution

wife avoiding resolving conflict with husband rubbing her shoulders Olena Yakobchuk | Shutterstock

In a marriage, being able to work through any form of conflict or bump in the road is imperative to making sure that the relationship can last and continue to be healthy and loving. In cases where a wife is actively avoiding conflict resolution, this can be a sign that she's choosing to emotionally withdraw from the marriage because she might be feeling a bit miserable.

According to research published in Contemporary Family Therapy, a study of over 1,000 couples determined that there are three top conflict resolution strategies: avoiding confrontation, communicating well, and listening.

Because the only thing that can come from avoiding conflict is resentment, frustration, and more arguments, it's important for couples to realize that it's not a healthy dynamic, and to encourage your partner to address these issues so you can both move on and find peace.

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10. She's refusing to compromise

woman walking away from man after fight NDAB Creativity | Shutterstock

In a healthy relationship and marriage, being able to compromise on certain things is essential to maintaining respect and understanding. If you find that your wife is refusing to meet you in the middle and instead wants her way or the highway, both of you will just end up feeling unappreciated.

In order to address the quiet behaviors of a truly miserable wife, it's important to find common ground with the person that you're dedicated to spending life with because, without compromise, both of you will end up just feeling ignored and disrespected.

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11. She's comparing you to others

woman comparing her husband to others in fight Just Life | Shutterstock

When a wife is constantly comparing her partner to other people, whether that's an ex, friend, or even a stranger, it shows that she's deeply unsatisfied in her relationship and would rather focus on the type of person her partner should be than who they actually are.

It can be disheartening and hurtful to know that your partner is holding you to these unrealistic standards of others instead of accepting who you are. By constantly comparing the person you're with, you're preventing room to fully appreciate the person you're with, including all of their flaws and imperfections.

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Nia Tipton is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in creative writing and journalism who covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on psychology, relationships, and the human experience.
