The 5 Most Harmful Decisions You Can Make In Life, According To Experts

Do you live your life with a "Do no harm" policy?

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"First, do no harm," the words of the Hippocratic oath for doctors should ring true for all of our interactions.

Harm can be done in ways we might not recognize, particularly in our choices that affect others.

We might think of harm to others as being physical or financial. Yet, some of the most damaging choices you can make that affect others are decisions about yourself or how you handle emotions.


We must be extra mindful of our choices and their impact on the people around us because humans are interconnected beings.

What kind of a world would we have if we always led our decisions with a "First, do no harm" policy?

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Here are the 5 most harmful decisions you can make in life, according to YourTango experts.

1. Ghosting someone

One of the most harmful decisions one can make in life that affects others is "ghosting".

The practice of suddenly and completely cutting off one's communication with another person, most frequently within personal relationships or social engagements, is referred to as "ghosting" and is both a social phenomenon and a phrase. Someone "ghosts" another person when they cease responding to texts, calls, or any other kind of communication without providing an explanation or bringing the relationship to a satisfactory conclusion. The other person is left in a state of confusion and uncertainty, and often in a distressed emotional state, as a result of this behavior.

Sidhharrth S Kumaar, Founder, NumroVani

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2. Avoiding the truth

When you choose to avoid telling someone the truth about their self-harm, you may be conflict-averse. So, after dealing with your fears about being frank, choose the appropriate timing. Then, give specific examples of the person's main actions and results, to themselves as well as your relationship. Sustain discussion at the time and later, rather than "hit and run."


—​ Ruth Schimel Ph.D., Career & Life Mgt. Consultant, Author

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3. Choosing a dishonest life partner

Choosing a dishonest life partner will negatively affect you and the people you love and are responsible for.

Their lying and cheating behavior can compromise your family's finances and create emotional and mental distress beyond your walls. There is every likelihood they will compromise your friendships, prevent a healthy social life, and make errors that cost you in ways you never imagined. The snowball effect of dishonesty will craft an impoverished future that will leave your children, family of origin, friends, and well-wishers shocked and wondering what happened.


Reta Faye Walker, Ph.D. Relationship Coach

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4. Holding someone emotionally ransom

Being emotionally manipulative or unavailable to someone you’re in a relationship with. This type of behavior leaves the other person second-guessing themselves and their decisions and can damage a person’s sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

Michele Molitor, Hypnotherapist

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5. Not taking care of yourself

Not taking care of yourself affects others negatively because your mental and emotional state dictates your reactions and ability to uplift and assist others.


—​ Marla Martenson, Life Coach/Matchmaker

Take good care of yourself, choose good people to be in your life, and be aware of the effect of your choices on those around you. Simple, easy, and the way we can develop a more compassionate world to live in.

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Will Curtis is a writer and associate editor for YourTango. He's been featured on the Good Men Project and taught English abroad for ten years.