Husband 'Furious' After Wife Wears Bikini To The Beach With Their Married Friends

He criticized her for calling too much "attention" to herself.

Man looking serious at the beach Okhrimchuk Yurii | Shutterstock

After a woman and her husband spent a fun day at the beach with their friends, throwing frisbees and hanging out, he spoiled the mood by criticizing her for her choice of swimwear.

Her husband was 'furious' at her because she wore a bikini to the beach with their married friends.

Sharing her story to the subreddit r/relationship_advice, the woman revealed that she and her husband have been together for seven years and married for three. The couple lives in Boston and went to Maine for a beach day with their friends.


“I wore a bikini that is on the smaller side, but it covers about half of my backside and the important part of my top," the woman wrote. “I also had a shawl on for most of the day.”

Woman at the beach in a bikini and shawl Ground Picture | Shutterstock

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Even though their friends are married, the woman noticed the man stealing glimpses at her swimsuit. “Not in a creepy or staring way, just in a somewhat of a curious way,” she clarified. “I wasn't offended, but also, it's why I kept my shawl on most of the time.”

The woman may not have been offended by her friend's unwanted looks and attention, but her husband was offended by her bathing suit choice. 

“On the way home, my husband got mad at ME for wearing a bikini and for ‘allowing’ the friend to see me,” the woman wrote. “Apparently, my bottoms were too tight, so he could see the outline of my bits.”

The woman claimed that she is very active and has a petite frame, and there are limited swimsuits that fit her body. 


She further pointed out that their female friend, who was also married, was wearing a bikini, and no one appeared to have an issue with it.

“My husband has never been the jealous type, and he does sometimes have a temper but this has really hurt me,” the woman admitted. “I would never do anything to hurt him, nor do I feel like what I wore was inappropriate."

Research suggests that jealousy rears its ugly head in most marriages, however. In fact, a whopping 79% of men and 66% of women defined themselves as jealous.

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Being that it's so prevalent, it's important to note that a little jealousy isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, a 2021 study found that a little bit of jealousy in a relationship can have a reassuring effect, but when there's a lot of jealousy, that's when things can take a dark turn. Researchers even found a link between extreme jealousy and dangerous behaviors like stalking and abuse.


"If this had happened when we were dating, I would have thought about breaking up with him, but now I'm totally at a loss,” she added before asking other Redditors if she broke some kind of “marriage code” by wearing a tight bikini around their friends. 

Commenters insisted that her husband’s anger was unreasonable and that there was nothing inappropriate about her swimsuit.

“You are a grown woman. Wear what you want to wear," one user commented. "The only time I think it might be an issue is if a male friend is obviously attracted to you, and you're intentionally trying to get him to look at you."

“If he can’t stand you wearing a bikini, what other things won’t he be able to stand? It feels like he just tries to be very controlling over you and what you wear; the next time it won’t be just a bikini,” another commenter wrote.

@alexia.mcleod Do you think it's OK for your partner to control what you wear? As a relationship therapist, I emphasize to my clients that you should not be trying to control your partners life and they should not be trying to control you. Now you can provide constructive criticism to your partner and suggestions to your partner. #relationshipredflags #controllingrelationship #relationshipadvice101 #fyp ♬ Otra Vez - ProdMarvin

Others online encouraged the woman to sit down with her husband and have a discussion about his temper and his behavior. If he reacted poorly, they urged her to take a step back and stay with a close friend or trusted family member to get some space. 


It shouldn’t matter if you are married, in a relationship, or single — no one has the authority to dictate what you wear, bathing suit or otherwise. It's not your fault if others can't keep their eyes to themselves.

And importantly, as one commenter noted, "You are still allowed to break up with a controlling partner who is trying to police your clothes even when you are married!"

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Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.