Husband Confronts His Wife After Discovering She Cheated On Him During Her 'Girls' Trip'

Now, he doesn't know if he can trust her anymore.

closet with winter coats, sweaters and boxes Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock

Loyalty is an important trait to have, especially when you’re in a relationship. Unfortunately, some people simply don’t have it, and it can be the catalyst that ends things.

One husband made a startling discovery while his wife was away on a trip that led him to question whether or not their relationship can last.

A husband found out his wife was cheating on him while she was away on a ‘girls’ trip.’

A distraught and confused husband took to Reddit looking for advice after he made a disturbing discovery about his wife.

@marriagerevolution There IS hope for your marriage to heal after an affair.If you are going through an affair in your marriage, first, I’m so sorry. I know the pain is deep and it feels like it may never subside. I’m not here to minimize what you’re going through, I’ve been there.I am here to tell you there is hope. No, it’s not easy and there is no 3 step process. It’s delicate, and gritty, and can be different for every couple. Looking back on my wife’s affair 28 years ago, there were two critical elements that I do believe attributed to our eventual healing in our marriage. Confession. Secrecy robs us of any chance of intimacy in our marriage. The confession itself is crucial. This conversation will be tough, and I encourage you to lean heavily on the Lord when it comes to timing, preparing your heart, and the conversations that follow.Comfort. For the spouse receiving that devastating news, the response may vary. Ultimately, it’s important for them to face the pain, and mourn that loss. That may mean multiple, raw and painful conversations about these feelings between the two of you. Push through.Again, every marriage is so unique and there is no magic fix here. There IS hope, and we have counselors and resources available to those of you going through this season. Please reach out to us or someone you trust for help.#affairrecovery #thereishope #marriagehelp #healing #turnlovearound #marriagerevolution ♬ original sound - Marriage Revolution

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“My wife Paula and I have been married for ten years,” he shared. “We’ve had our ups and downs, but I always thought we were solid. I guess you never really know someone, do you?”

“So, last weekend, my wife went on a ‘girls’ trip’ with her friends. She’s done this a few times before, and I’ve never thought much of it,” he explained.

This husband decided to do something nice for his wife while she was away, but it ended horribly for him.

“While she was away, I decided to do a deep clean of the house,” he said. “She loves coming back to a clean home, and I figured it was a nice gesture. I started with our bedroom and eventually made my way to her side of the closet. That’s where things took a turn.”


“Hidden behind her winter coats was a small, locked box. Curiosity got the better of me,” he admitted. “I found a spare key (I remembered it from when we moved in) and opened it. Inside were letters, photographs and a burner phone. My heart sank.”

@drkathynickerson You absolutely can heal from an affair and save your marriage. We asked over 5000 people who have cheated or been betrayed this question and this is what they had to tell us. ##infidelityinamarriage##infidelityrecovery##affairrecovery##betrayalrecovery##cheatinghusbands##affairs##infidelity ♬ original sound - Dr Kathy Nickerson

He could hardly believe what he was seeing. “The letters were love notes, but not from me,” he clarified. “They were from someone named ‘A.’ The photos were of my wife and this guy looking very cozy. And the phone? It was full of texts between her and ‘A.’ I read enough to know that this had been going on for at least six months.”

Understandably, this man felt terrible. “I felt sick,” he said. “Betrayed. Angry. All the emotions you can imagine.”


RELATED: 5 Little Things That Make Cheating So Common In Marriage, According To Research

After much thought, this husband confronted his wife with the truth he had found.

“When she came back from her trip, I pretended everything was normal,” he stated. “I needed time to process and figure out my next move.”

“Yesterday, I finally broke,” he said sadly. “I confronted her after dinner. I told her I’d found the box and knew about ‘A.’ She didn’t deny it. Instead, she started crying and apologized, saying she never meant to hurt me and that it ‘just happened.’”

@marriagehealth We rebuilt our marriage from the ashes. The only way this could happen is because we had help.#marriageadvice #infidelityrecovery #fyp #marriagecoach #marriagetherapy #relationships #selfgrowth #miracle ♬ Gods creation - daniel.mp3

Now, he’s trying to decide what his next steps are. “She’s staying with a friend now, and I’m sitting here in our empty house, trying to make sense of it all,” he explained. “Part of me wants to forgive her, but another part is screaming that I’ll never be able to trust her again.”


Infidelity doesn’t necessarily mean the end of a marriage.

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Recovering from an affair can be one of the most challenging times in a marriage … But as spouses rebuild trust, take responsibility for their actions, resolve conflict and forgive, the process may deepen and strengthen love and affection.”

@drkathynickerson The healing process takes most people one to two years after an affair. For some, it takes much longer. Healing from infidelity depends on a variety of factors, including your coping skills previous trauma, current emotional and physical health and more. #infidelityrecovery #affairrecovery #infidelityinamarriage #infidelityrecoveryjourney #infidelityjourney ♬ original sound - Dr Kathy Nickerson

An affair is something that is incredibly difficult to work through. However, no relationship is so far gone that it cannot be saved. If a couple is willing to put in the work, it’s possible that their marriage could survive.

But, as this man said, he doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to trust his wife again. That definitely presents a problem. A relationship can’t thrive without trust. 


If he truly feels that way, it might be time to end things.

RELATED: The Most Powerful Way Couples Affair-Proof Their Marriage, According To Experts

Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news and human interest topics.