What Happens When You Only Eat Bananas For 12 Days Straight

Whoa, what???

What Happens When You ONLY Eat Bananas For 12 Days Straight volobotti / Shutterstock

Most of us love bananas for their taste and also for the numerous health benefits that they can provide. They taste great in smoothies, baked goods (can you say banana nut muffins for the win?), and are a nice addition to your Nutella crepe (yummy!). 

Even monkeys have been known to fight other monkeys just for a bushel of bananas!

Not only are bananas great for blood sugar levels (and for tasting super delicious... banana bread anyone?), but they also can help with your digestive health and weight lossrelieve hypertension, keep your heart and kidney health, alleviate cramps associated with working out, and so much more.


RELATED: Is Freelee The Banana Girl Fake? New Details About The Instagram Influencer Who Claims To Live In The Woods And Eat 51 Bananas A Day

In addition, they can make a great and healthy snack for adults and children alike, and will also help make you full so that you don't overeat other food. 

On the downside, because of the high levels of starch that are found in each banana, this can lead to constipation if you consume too many of them, which is why I don't think I could do anything like what Yulia Tarbath decided to do.

In 2015, Tarbath went 12 days straight without eating anything besides bananas.


Sure, bananas are a great source of nutrients. But are they everything that our body needs? Probably not. But Tarbath still ate nothing but bananas for 12 straight days anyway.

However, she also drank plenty of water, made sure to get ample amounts of rest, and exercised regularly. This type of diet actually has a name and is known as "mono-fruiting," where a person only eats one type of fruit for a certain period of time. 

After the mono-fruiting diet, Tarbath claimed that she noticed an improvement in her overall emotional and physical health, which is pretty amazing considering that she literally only ate bananas for more than a week.

The first thing she said that she had noticed was an improvement in her digestion, and that she no longer experienced any stomach pains. She also said that she began to feel very relaxed and stress-free.


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This means that she was able to focus on her passions and creativity, instead of her stress triggers. Now that sounds like the ideal diet to us.

Other than just noticing these health improvements, she also noticed that some of her previous ailments began to go away, too. 

In her video below, Tarbath discusses her mono-fruiting experience:

Is she full of it? Is this kind of diet actually dangerous? Or could Tarbath just be completely... bananas? 


One thing is for sure, it's definitely not healthy to ingest too many bananas. Leave that to the monkeys!

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