Woman Says It's A Red Flag If Your Kid Believes In Santa Past The Age Of 7 Or 8
There is no "magic age" that children must be to stop believing in Santa Claus.

The magic of Santa is something most children look forward to during the Christmas season, but apparently, there's a strict cutoff as to when kids should stop believing in the imaginary being.
Jennifer Welch, a content creator and co-host of the I've Had It Podcast, claimed that if any child still believes in Santa after turning a certain age, it's not a good thing.
She claimed it's a red flag if your child believes in Santa past the age of seven or eight.
In a clip from Welch's podcast, which is hosted alongside Angie Sullivan, the two women discussed why it's not a good thing if a child still thinks Santa Claus is real after the age of seven or eight.
"You cannot, past a certain age... let your son or daughter continue to believe in Santa Claus," Welch strongly stated. "Then they're nothing short of a little tiddy baby."
According to Urban Dictionary, the term "tiddy baby" refers to someone who is "whiny" because they don't get their way in life. It's labeled as a derogatory term used against someone who is deemed as being too cowardly or timid.
Welch claimed that a child who is still allowed to believe in Santa at this age will grow up to become someone who is "whiny" and immature.
She explained that she had a friend whose son was around 14 or 15 years old and still believed that Santa existed. "Of course, everyone thinks the kid's a [expletive]," she claimed. "Think about it, an 11 or 12-year-old, full-blown going to bat for Santa. It's a red flag, run."
Many commenters disagreed with Welch’s stance, arguing to let kids believe for as long as they can — or at least until double digits. “Nooooooo let them believe!! You only get the magic once a lifetime,” one user wrote. “Come on give us till 10! Double digits,” another added.
Most children stop believing in Santa around the age of eight.
According to a 2018 study conducted by The University Of Exeter, most kids stop believing around the age of eight, though it isn't an overnight realization but rather a gradual shift accompanied by questions and subtle hints.
Per the study, many children witnessed their parents placing presents under the tree or eating food meant for Santa and his reindeer while others simply outgrew the myth.
In an interview with Parents Magazine, psychologist Ray W. Christner recommended that parents shouldn't withhold information about Santa if their children ask, but to do so at their own discretion.
"It’s typical for most children to start questioning if Santa is real between the ages of 7 and 10," he told the publication. "For some parents and families, they make the choice to tell children as soon as they start questioning in any manner."
"For others, they will keep the belief alive in the early stages of this questioning. There is no wrong answer. However, when they start suspecting, you should start to develop a plan for how you want to respond," Christner advised.
While other parenting experts and psychologists admit there is no "magic age" that your children should learn Santa isn't real, it's understandable that you don't want your kid to be a teenager still believing in a mythical being who miraculously comes down the chimney to leave presents under the tree.
Still, it's a beautiful thing that kids can experience the magic of Santa Claus, and as a parent, you may want to keep that spirit alive for as long as you can.
Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.