Stay-At-Home Mom Admits She Suddenly Left Her Husband And Children Behind After Feeling 'Empty' — 'It's Like I'm Invisible'

Her family never so much as thanked her for her work.

Stay-at-home mom who left her husband and children Gladskikh Tatiana | Shutterstock

Being a stay-at-home parent is a demanding and often thankless job. One 38-year-old stay-at-home was fed up with this reality — her mental health was declining and she found no solace in her family. So, she decided to take a break from her household and parenting responsibilities.

The stay-at-home mom suddenly left her husband and children behind because she felt 'empty.'

"I am a stay-at-home mom — well, I was until recently," the woman wrote in her Reddit post. "I’m married to my husband and we have twin daughters. I left my job about a month ago, but the truth is, I’ve never been able to hold a job for long since I got married."


She explained that she is the primary parent and tends to her 14-year-old daughters without help. For example, whenever their asthma flares up, she manages their medications and stays up with them all night without any assistance from her husband. 

stay at home mom caring for sick child feels empty - Yuri A | Shutterstock


This arrangement never bothered her because her husband takes care of everything financially — their bills are paid and they live comfortably from his salary at work. However, there is more to leading a family than making money. A true leader knows when to step in and alleviate the stress of others, including his wife and partner. 

"Honestly, I like taking care of the house. Having a clean home gives me a sense of peace," she said. "But here’s the thing: no one lifts a finger to help me. I cook, clean, do laundry — everything. And when my husband and daughters come home, they just… relax."

RELATED: Mom Compares Stay-At-Home Parenting To Indentured Servitude

She claimed that her family doesn't thank her for all her work.

Even when she's begged her husband and daughters to clean up after themselves and contribute to the household labor, they refuse to help. Since she recently accepted a job, she told them that things needed to change. 


"I told them, point blank, that if I found even one dirty plate left behind, I’d leave and go stay with my mom," the woman recalled. They told her she was just stressed and didn't change their behavior. 

Unfortunately, this is the reality for many stay-at-home moms. A 2018 survey conducted by Baby Aveeno found that 31% of parents admitted that staying home with a child is harder than going to work. Similarly, Motherly's State of Motherhood survey found that stay-at-home moms experience significant stress, often from isolation, lack of personal time, and a limited support system.

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The woman went to her mom's house after her family refused to comply.

"Today, after school, they ate lunch, left their dirty dishes on the table, and went on with their day like nothing happened. Not even 24 hours after I asked for help," she wrote. "So, I packed a bag and left to stay with my mom."

Shockingly, none of her family members even bothered to stop her or call to see if she was fine, leaving her feeling invisible, empty, and unappreciated. Still, she told her family that she'd be back home in a week.

It's disheartening to realize that all the work she does for her family goes overlooked and is taken for granted. Stay-at-home parents take on so much emotional labor, on top of the obvious physical labor they do. They deserve to be appreciated for their efforts.

This mom would likely benefit from finding joy and an identity outside of being a parent and wife, whether that means going on long walks, finding fulfilling hobbies and activities, or even going on a solo vacation for a couple of days to recharge. Afterward, it may help to sit her family down and have an in-depth conversation, especially with her husband, about how she feels.


RELATED: Stay-At-Home Mom Says She Should Be Entitled To 'Sick Days' — 'I'll Hire A Sitter'

Nia Tipton is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in creative writing and journalism who covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on psychology, relationships, and the human experience.