8 Sacrifices Good Parents Make To Give Their Kids A Better Life
Good parents have a few things in common.

It's only natural to want to be seen as a great parent. After all, parents have the important job of raising happy, healthy children.
But the truth is that parenting is a lot more complicated than that. Parenting is muddled with challenges, confusion, and a load of difficulties along the way.
So, what makes a good parent stand out? Most importantly, what are the specific things parents give up to ensure their children have a better life than they did?
Here are 8 sacrifices good parents make to give their children a better life
1. A night of restful sleep
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If you're a good parent, say goodbye to sleep. A study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign showed that 60% of mothers were in the low maternal sleep group when their baby was three months old or younger. And though their sleep patterns improved over time, the reality is that parents will usually sacrifice sleep to keep their children happy and healthy.
For instance, if your child is sick, you'll find yourself staying up taking care of them. Or, if your child needs to do a last-minute school project, you'll help them until the early morning hours.
But that’s just part of being a good parent. It means understanding that, sometimes, a lack of sleep is necessary if you want your children to lead a better life than you did.
2. Boundaries
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Having children requires parents to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. It means that for parents who aren’t too affectionate, personal space and boundaries might need to be taken down, at least when it comes to the kids.
Your children need you emotionally. They need the comfort a hug provides and a listening ear. Truthfully, your child just needs affection. So, as uncomfortable as it may be, if you truly want to be a great parent, it starts with sacrificing some comfortability along the way.
3. Ambitions and goals
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Good parents understand that sacrifice is necessary to give their children a better life. But the lengths they go to in order to get there are truly admirable. Parents sacrifice their dreams and ambitions to be involved in their children's lives. They understand that showing up is the best way to create happier and more successful kids.
According to one study, parent involvement helps to better improve a child’s academics, while another study concludes, "Children demonstrated positive emotions when parents spent time with them, and increasing that time was the key to improving children's well-being."
4. A social life
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If you're a parent, you probably don't remember the last time you left your house to go hang out with your friends. But that's just another sacrifice parents make regularly in order to raise happy and healthy children.
Good parents sacrifice their relationships with others to focus on their relationship with their children. And although that's admirable, too much self-sacrifice can be a bad thing.
One study found that when parents are too involved with their children, it can negatively impact them, making it harder for them to control their emotions, attention, and behavior. But that's not all, because another study determined that social isolation is twice as harmful to physical and mental health as obesity.
So, if you're a parent, be sure to take time for yourself. And never feel guilty about spending time away from your children every blue moon.
5. Hobbies
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Parents probably think back to the last time they did something they enjoyed, and may come up empty. Unfortunately, good parents don't just sacrifice their sleep or dreams to be good parents. They also sacrifice the little things as well.
Whether it’s your weekly cycling sessions, painting lessons, or even reading the latest best-selling book, those hobbies fall to the wayside when your children need you. You understand that hobbies can always be picked right back up, but your kids only have a short time with you before they fly the coop.
6. Money
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Parents understand the financial strain of the economy better than anyone. A recent report states that "47% of parents with grown children provide them with some form of financial support." Why? Because things are getting increasingly expensive nowadays.
With student debt a worrisome expense, house prices soaring, and minimum wage providing unlivable circumstances, is it any wonder why children are asking for their parents’ financial support? But good parents are willing to give it to them, even if they, themselves, are struggling.
These parents understand how hard it is nowadays, putting their kids on a path to a better life by cutting costs until their children are able to stand on their own two feet.
7. Peace
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There's nothing like peace and quiet after a long day of work. But parents likely don’t know the meaning of it. A recent report found that around 57% of parents reported self-burnout, and this is strongly correlated to internal and external expectations. Because parents feel the need to meet a certain standard, they more often than not find themselves completely exhausted.
This is dangerous, as burnout can affect your children, leading to worsening mental health for everyone involved. That’s why there needs to be a balance. So, even if your children disrupt your peace, you can still find ways to keep a cool head. Whether that means dropping them off for the weekend at your parents’ house or doing quiet time for one hour a day to help you reset, finding ways to stay calm is crucial.
8. Convenience
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Convenience is a helpful aspect of a parent’s daily life. Whether it’s making quick meals or ordering groceries online, it seems like many are saving time.
However, good parents understand that while convenience may be easier, it isn't always the best option for your child. Even if it's easier to order out every day, because you prioritize your child's health, you're willing to go the extra mile to cook them something homemade. And that makes you a pretty great parent.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.