Parents Take Out A Loan To Go On A Fancy First Class Vacation With Their Baby — Despite Not Being Able To Afford It Otherwise
A family's financial future is theirs to build, and no one else's.

Parenting decisions are intensely personal and specific to the family making them. Parents who post content of their kids online open themselves up to the opinions of strangers, whether they’re being praised or criticized.
A mom named Alina shared how she and her husband were able to take their baby overseas, yet she got a fair amount of backlash for the decision.
The parents took out a loan to go on a first-class vacation with their baby, even though they weren’t able to afford it otherwise.
The mom revealed that she and her husband used money they didn’t exactly have on hand in order to take a trip, posting, “We borrowed $2,000 from our parents to fund our business class vacation.”
“This year, we have already taken out two vacation loans and don’t regret it at all,” Alina continued.
She touched on the criticism she knew she’d receive, saying, “Many people judge us for this and count our money, but I think this is only our decision.”
She gave some context to her family’s financial situation, explaining, “My husband already signed an agreement with a good salary, to which we can close two loans and give part of the money to our parents.”
She then went on to say that their family flew first class and she was “simply delighted with the service.”
Photo: Natasha Ivanchikhina / Unsplash
She detailed the luxe services including expensive drinks and snacks, travel kits with expensive cosmetics included, and baby food and toys for her son to play with.
“Even if we never repeat this flight, it will remain in our memory,” Alina said, which highlights the value of what travel can bring.
In exchange for a loan for their vacation, she and her family now have timeless memories.
Alina explained her perspective on the matter: People mostly regret the things they didn’t do, not the chances they did take.
“Our parents condemn us for many things,” she said. “But when we ask them what they regret, they don’t answer that they didn’t travel in their youth and didn’t do spontaneous things.”
Life has to be about more than pure survival. Even people who struggle financially deserve to have nice things and fun experiences. Living hand-to-mouth shouldn’t automatically equate to living without pleasure.
In a separate post, Alina responded to a comment from someone who advised, “Please don’t take out a loan for a trip.” She offered a list of justifications for why they made that particular decision, starting with the fact that they wanted to.
“We take out money on credit for a trip because we want it,” she explained. “We recently almost divorced, I had terrible depression, my son did not see his father for 4 months, and many other difficulties.”
She broke it down to one simple reason: “We are not unworthy of relaxing under palm trees for 12 days.”
Photo: Jonathon Gallegos / Unsplash
While taking out a loan that they’ll then owe interest on might not be the most responsible move, it isn’t anyone else’s decision to make.
Wealthy people misuse their money, yet no one comments on where their income comes from, or where it goes, proving the various ways that privilege works.
The reality of the matter is that Alina and her family can do what they want with the money they earn or the money they borrow. Their financial future is up to them only.
While the Dave Ramseys of the world might have us believe that poverty means a life of hardship and sacrifice, we literally only live once. So, why not make the most of what we have, when we can?
While we're at it, let's let people make their own decisions, without judging them, because we never know the full story of someone's life, unless they choose to share it.
Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers social issues, pop culture analysis and all things to do with the entertainment industry.