Mother-In-Law Continuously ’Forgets’ To Hang Up The Phone So Her Daughter-In-Law Can ‘Accidentally’ Hear What She Really Thinks Of Her
She wanted to make sure that her daughter-in-law knew exactly what her place within their family was.

More often than not, we hear horror stories about mothers-in-law making the relationship they have with their son or daughter-in-law unbearable.
However, one mom admitted that she recently started implementing a sweet and heartfelt routine with her daughter-in-law to let her know how she really feels, proving that in-law relationships don't have to be toxic.
She knowingly 'forgets' to hang up her phone so her daughter-in-law can 'accidentally' hear what she thinks of her.
In her Reddit post, the older woman explained that she "accidentally," but really on purpose, routinely forgets to hang up her phone correctly after getting off calls with her daughter-in-law. With her daughter-in-law still listening, she'll deliberately talk to her husband about how much she enjoys talking to her.
She'll gush about how lovely she thinks her daughter-in-law is, how glad she is that her son chose someone like that to marry and spend his life with, and whatever other boost she thinks her daughter-in-law needs to hear that day.
Part of the reason why she does this is because her daughter-in-law doesn't have a family that uplifts her but instead will constantly tear her down.
It's such a sweet sentiment, especially because she's decided to do something differently.
The unhealthy mother-in-law trope should be the exception, not the rule, and this in-law relationship proves that it's possible.
While she may not be her daughter by blood, sometimes blood isn't thicker than water.
Sex and relationship expert Tracey Cox explained to Good Housekeeping that starting off on the right foot with family by marriage is integral to fostering a healthy relationship that can turn into a loving bond. Anticipate liking your daughter or mother-in-law, and chances are you will! It's not a competition for affection.
"I started doing this after my son told me about his wife coming to him in tears because I had once butt-dialed her while talking to my husband about her," she recalled. "She stayed on the line to hear what I 'really' thought of her, expecting the worst because that's been her experience of family."
She admitted that hearing the things her mother-in-law was saying gave her a 'confidence boost.'
Being in a family that does nothing but tear you down and make you question your self-worth can take such a toll on your mental health.
Healing from that kind of emotional trauma takes time, but one of the best things that can help is finding a chosen family who makes you realize that you're more than enough.
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It's amazing and heartwarming that her husband's family, especially his mother, whether they knew it or not, was helping heal those past wounds and finally giving her that sense of love from a family that she's most likely been yearning for throughout her life.
She even learned from her son that her accidental eavesdropping really helped her confidence.
"I do it more often now," she continued. "Neither of them have any idea I do it on purpose, though. They just think I'm getting old and worse at managing tech."
At the end of the day, it can be incredibly exhausting reading stories and seeing mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law feuding or having a toxic relationship, which makes stories like this that much more refreshing.
Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.