Woman Learns Mother-In-Law Planted Hidden Camera In Her Home After She Used Private Conversation Against Her
She went from mother-in-law to monster-in-law.

Mothers-in-law can be challenging to get along with, with some being more difficult than others. One woman named Kiyah found this out when she discovered what her mother-in-law had been doing for the past six to eight months.
The woman found out her mother-in-law had been spying on her using a baby cam.
Kiyah started her video by asking everyone to "put a finger down if you're getting engaged to the love of your life, your fiance loves you, your parents love you, and your in-laws love you, and life is just going great." Her video is playing off the popular "put a finger down" challenge on TikTok, which is supposed to be about sharing relatable stories. Unfortunately for Kiyah, her story is not relatable at all.
"Then soon after you have your kid, you get pregnant again. You're super excited to share the news with your parents and in-laws so decide you tell your in-laws first and they're super mad and now they hate you all of a sudden," she continued.
Kiyah decided to let her in-laws calm down, waiting to break the news to them when they all went on a trip together. After telling Kiyah's parents about the news, they're jubilant about it, but her in-laws remain very angry, so she called her dad to vent about the situation. She explained that when her husband arrived home 30 minutes later, he told her that their in-laws didn't want them coming over anymore because she was talking bad about them to her father, which confused both of them.
They realized the baby cam her in-laws installed had been recording everything they said for the past six to eight months.
She also found out they were giving the recordings to other family members and using them to blackmail the couple.
Many were confused as to what was wrong with her in-laws, why were they upset about Kiyah having twins with their son? She clarified in a since-deleted follow-up video, explaining, "They were upset about this particular pregnancy because the child that I had had before was not their biological grandchild. So the twins that I just had are their biological grandchildren, but my daughter is not their biological grandchild."
She also shared that her fiance was never allowed to put anything in his name before his and Kiyah's relationship and that her mother-in-law had "control" issues.
She gave an example of when they went to purchase a car and put something in his name for the first time.
"We noticed his credit looked a little weird. Come to find out, a $47,000 loan was taken out in his name in 2015 when he had a scholarship to play basketball," she said. "I don't know who else would have access to that information."
Her mother-in-law also had the police called to the doctor's office.
In part three of Kiyah's original TikTok series, which has since been deleted, she answered a question from a comment and gave a little more insight into who her mother-in-law is. When she was pregnant with her daughter, she was going to her stepson's doctor appointment with her husband, and the woman whom she calls the "baby momma" — the stepson's biological mother — was running late. They asked Kiyah if she wanted to go to the back with her stepson, which she declined, but her mother-in-law insisted she should.
"You want me to go to the back when you know this child's mom is on her way?" Kiyah asked. "You know she hates me, you know she has a history of violence and being easily provoked. Why would you want to put me in this situation to be in an enclosed area pregnant with that person?"
She declined, but her mother-in-law decided to go. Fifteen minutes later, the police arrive at the doctor's office. The baby momma got the short straw after the mother-in-law fabricated something outrageous, so now she is no longer allowed to attend doctor's appointments with her biological son.
"But what I am saying mother-to-mother, there's a little bit of mutual respect even though baby momma has treated me horribly. It's only because she thinks her enemy is the wrong person. In fact, she's living with her enemy," she says.
The monster-in-law epic came to a close in a final since-deleted video where she explained how her husband's family has zero boundaries, telling the story of when her sister-in-law asked her if she's even responsible enough to have three kids, calling her "incredibly selfish" for "splitting" all this time between all of the children.
The sister-in-law's brother apparently got involved, posting, "God removes people from your life because he heard conversations that you didn't."
If the woman's story is true, in the long wrong, it's better for her and her children to be removed from her in-laws as they certainly meet the criteria for toxic in-laws. When such drama and lack of boundaries ensue, it's best to remove yourself and your family from the situation," Lynell Ross, a certified health and wellness coach, told Fatherly.
“Do your best to limit contact with them," Ross continued. "Just because they are your in-laws does not mean they have the right to be in your life.”
While Kiyah's brother-in-law insinuated that God did her in-laws a favor by removing her from their life because of conversations they recorded without her consent, Kiyah believed differently.
"No sis, you heard the conversation because your mom showed you clips of us — me, really — in our apartment talking," Kiyah said.
Kurtis Condra is a writer for YourTango based in San Francisco. During breaks from looking for celebrity news and entertainment, he likes to walk his turtle through the Golden Gate Park.