Little Girl Gets A Gift From Santa That Shows Her Mom The Most Expensive Present Isn't The Most Impactful One
Her reaction showed just how much the gift meant to her.

When we think of Christmas, we often think of the gifts that we give and receive. This is especially true for children, who get particularly excited to see what Santa and loved ones have left for them under the tree.
While it is often the flashiest and most extravagant gifts that get the most attention, one little girl proved that those are not always the gifts that mean the most.
A mom shared her daughter’s sweet reaction to her favorite Christmas present.
Kristen Conway took to TikTok to share her daughter Taylor's reaction to a very special Christmas gift she received this year.
“Anyone who has a child with a comfort item is definitely going to appreciate this one,” Conway said. “Or, just anyone who wants to believe in the magic of Christmas.”
“My six-year-old daughter Taylor has two comfort items,” she explained. “One’s a little pig stuffed animal, and the other is her Pound Puppy stuffie, which she takes absolutely everywhere. This thing does not leave her side.”
Then, Conway explained the sad predicament their family, and, specifically their daughter, found themselves in recently. “So, we moved houses about a month ago. Unfortunately, somehow during our move, we lost Pound Puppy,” she stated sadly. “There have been so many tears and we have looked for hours and hours for a month.”
Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Canva Pro
Conway told viewers that there was nothing that could distract her daughter from her loss, including the beloved holiday.
Santa's simple gift was the most valuable present under the tree for this sad little girl.
“But, today is Christmas! You’d think with it being Christmas day she wouldn’t be thinking about Pound Puppy because she’s getting so many new things and she’s distracted. Yeah, that wasn’t the case. She was still sad about him,” she said.
What Taylor didn’t know was that Santa had a little bit of Christmas magic up his sleeve to make her dearest wish come true.
While opening presents on Christmas morning, Taylor found one from Santa that was wrapped. She read the note on the gift to her parents. “Dear Taylor, I needed to use a little extra magic on this one. Love, Santa.”
As soon as she saw what was in the box, she began crying uncontrollably. “He found him for me!” she said excitedly. “He found Pound Puppy!”
She showed her family the gift Santa had left, which was indeed her precious Pound Puppy. Taylor hugged the stuffed animal close as she continued to cry. “This is the best gift I ever got in my life,” she said through her tears.
Conway learned an important lesson thanks to her daughter.
Even as Taylor continued to open more presents, she kept Pound Puppy close by, placing him right next to her where he was easy to grab.
Conway was impressed with Taylor’s reaction and the lesson it taught her. “Christmas isn’t always about the most expensive gift,” she wrote in the video. “Sometimes it’s just about love.”
“Leave it to a six-year-old to remind us what Christmas is about,” Conway said.
While Conway learned an important lesson from her daughter this Christmas, Taylor showed us something we can all learn from. So often, the most attention is given to the most expensive Christmas gift. This can lead to stress for the giver, as they attempt to buy the most costly gifts possible for everyone on their list.
However, the most memorable gift is almost always the one that means the most from an emotional standpoint. Money can’t buy what really matters.
Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news, and human interest topics.