If A Partner Suddenly Pulls Away, It's Likely For These 3 Tragic Reasons
Is he going through it, or just not that into you?

Have you ever been dating a man you are really interested in when all of a sudden he stops responding to your calls and canceling dates? It's a confusing place to be because you're left wondering where things went wrong.
When a man starts pulling away it can be for many different reasons. Here are the top five reasons why your guy is shutting you out.
If a partner suddenly pulls away, it's likely for these 5 tragic reasons:
1. He just isn't that into you.
The first few dates with someone are similar to an interview. You're testing the waters to see if there is enough interest and attraction to proceed to another date.
A guy might realize on the third or fourth date that there isn't potential for a long-term relationship with you, and rather than tell you to your face, he simply stops returning your calls.
How long does it take a guy to fall in love anyways? According to research, it takes men 3-4 months to fall in love. Just hang in there, not enogh time has passed!
In a guy's mind, this isn't an egregious jerk move to him, it would be worse to sit you down and tell you why he isn't feeling it. Plus, since you just started dating, he doesn't feel that he owes you an explanation. It's all part of the dating process.
2. He met someone else.
When a guy is just dating around, he might be juggling two or three different women and it's perfectly allowed. It's not cheating because he isn't committed to anyone...yet.
Eventually, he'll need to decide which woman he wants to date seriously — most women will only put up with being one of three for so long. When his mind and heart are focused on someone else, he'll be unable to keep dating anyone else.
3. He's having personal issues.
A lot of women believe that no matter what a guy is going through if he likes them, he will show it. While this is definitely true most of the time, look back at your own life.
Have you ever gone through a difficult time where you felt like you were carrying the weight of the world and taking care of yourself was exhausting, let alone dating someone else?
Pexels / Nathan Cowley
We all have, including men. Maybe he's worried about losing his job or is dealing with a family illness. Whatever the case, dating and being "polite" aren't at the front of his mind.
4. He's a player.
For some men, dating is just a game and they are the MVPs. Once a player gets what he wants out of you whether that be your phone number or intimacy, he'll pull a disappearing act fast. He's not concerned with your feelings whatsoever.
5. He's scared.
Have you ever considered that he's pulling away not because he doesn't like you, but because he likes you a lot?
When a guy meets a woman who knocks him completely off his feet and catches him off guard with her intelligence, wit, and beauty sometimes he doesn't know how to deal with it...so he runs.
Men are so used to dating woman after woman that when they come face to face with someone special they tend to get a bit intimidated. Give him time to work through his feelings and if he knows what's good for him he won't let you slip through his fingers.
Lottie Williams is the Head of Content at We Love Dates. She has been featured in Patti Knows, the Independent, askmen, and more.