Is He My Soulmate? The Soulmate Or Stalemate Trap
You know he's your soulmate, why doesn't he?

Are you clinging to a relationship that's causing you pain because you've convinced yourself that you've have found your soulmate? Do you believe that it's just a matter of time until he "wakes up" and realizes you're the perfect woman for him?
Well, I can tell you from experience if just one of you thinks you're soulmates you're most likely not. You've gotten caught in the soulmate or stalemate trap. I've been there and I know how hard it is to set yourself free.
I knew the man I was with was my soulmate; the only problem was that he didn't know it yet. So I had to convince him.
It turns out that I sort of had to convince myself as well. I went to a psychic to confirm what I hoped was true. She told me not to worry, to be patient, she promised me he would come around and realize how much he loved me.
I waited and trusted the psychic's words. Even when an ex-girlfriend from his past came back into life and wanted to date him again, I wasn't swayed. I just knew this man was for me, he would wake up to this fact any time.
Right. Then time passed and he began seeing his ex. He told me she was just a friend and I chose to believe him. Denial on my part, another aspect of soulmate or stalemate trap.
I desperately wanted this man to be "it" so I wouldn't have to be alone again. I threw all wisdom to wind and got stuck in "wishful hoping." I waited for him to commit to me on a deeper level; I looked for any sign that his love for me was growing. But, honestly, after 2 years of this frustration and pain, I began to wake up.
The Soulmate or Stalemate trap: If you have to convince a man he's right for you, he isn't
If you're convinced the man you're with is "The One" but he doesn't seem to know it yet, take another look. Make sure your feelings aren't coming from a place of desperation and need.
The longer you stay with the wrong man, the longer it will take to find the right one.