Why Introverts Are The Most Highly Evolved Personality Type
Have introverts always been superior?

What is an introvert? When famous psychiatrist Carl Jung first popularized the terms introversion and extraversion, he described the introvert personality as being more mystical and spiritual, and extroverts as more focused on the objective and practical. His detailed theory laid the foundation for the famous “I” and “E” on the Myers-Briggs scale which many corporate folks use to better understand the personality types of themselves and their coworkers to foster effective team dynamics.
Jung didn’t see one type as better than the other, but rather as existing together on an evolving continuum. This theory of an evolving human consciousness goes something like this: We evolve. As we begin, we don’t perceive what is known as subtle energy. Instead, we tend to perceive only what we can see with our eyes. The hard stuff. The physical stuff. We don’t really try to examine our inner world, because we're so focused on the outer world.
For most of us, that means we are eyeing other people — watching and copying what they do. Competing. Trying to be better than others. We love being social, and we get energy from being around other people, even though we may not be consciously aware that we are being energized by others. We are extroverts, for whom being with others is like plugging into an outlet to recharge our battery. When we're alone, we extroverts may feel our energy plummet and start to feel depressed. In those moments, we forget that we can tap into our inner energy reserves.
Over time, we keep evolving, and we develop a sensitivity to those more subtle waves of energy — those layers of consciousness we can’t see with our own eyes. We begin to feel bandwidths of energy that vibrate at a higher and faster speed than those material layers we had been focused on at the slower speeds that made them more easily visible to our eyes. Now we can feel the energy vibrating as it makes its way from our WiFi or Bluetooth device to our smartphone. Before, in our less evolved state, we could only feel the smartphone itself, along with the earpiece we're able to physically hold in our hand. Now, as introverts, we can feel ALL of it.
This higher sensitivity has its pros and cons. On the upside, we feel energy more readily because we've developed this amazing radar. We more naturally feel our energy, and we can recharge on our own. To do so, we simply go within to where we feel our vibration at the source. We luxuriate in the energy field that is our being. The downside is we feel every subtle whisper of energy so readily that the more tangible stuff feels like it is screaming at us 24/7. No wonder we need alone time to recharge our energy battery! And how frustrating it is when our introverted nature is confused by extroverts for shyness.
From this perspective, introverts are considered to be people who have evolved to a higher consciousness, simply because they can feel the energies of higher, faster vibrations. They tend to therefore live from the more “we” consciousness motivations and values now pulsing through them, whereas earlier in their developing personality, they lived from more self-serving and materialistic values. To find out if you are this kind of “higher consciousness” introvert, answer "true" or "false" to the following nine statements as they relate to you.
Why introverts are the most highly evolved personality type:
1. You prefer the subjective world of contemplation to the objective world of doing
Creative thinking about ideas and ideals appeals more to you than practical day-to-day busyness.
2. You can only be around others for so long before you have to be by yourself to recharge your battery
3. You feel other people’s emotional energies within your own body
You are an empath, and the well-being of others matters to you as much as your own.
4. Subconsciously, you have the empath habit of trying too hard to rescue other people from their bad moods — and it’s exhausting you
You have this need to save people.
5. You avoid many of the social meet-ups you could attend, simply because too much external energy all over you makes you tired and uncomfortable
You're very attuned to your emotions, and you know what you can and can't handle.
6. It often feels like other people subconsciously try to drink up your energy field
They may not even realize they are being “energy vampires” around you. You just have to get away from them, and you find yourself needing to set energy boundaries with most people.
7. Technology devices, like computers and mobile phones, feel taxing to your system, as does WiFi or Bluetooth
You may feel “scattered” being around any of these for too long. You tend to have sleep issues if these remain in your bedroom.
8. You just wish everyone could love one another
The well-being of humanity is a worry for you. When you hear of people getting hurt, it hurts you as though it happened to you directly.
9. You feel an inner creative urge you can no longer ignore
It inspires you to do something to benefit us all. You may even feel you have to change careers to live in this inspired state to help others.
If you answered “true” to numbers 1 and 2 above, you meet the Jungian definition of an introvert. The more of these items you answered true to, the higher the level of consciousness you may have reached is likely to be. Higher consciousness is always about living the ways of inclusive love. Just because you are an introvert in this way, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn to be, or may naturally be, social and outgoing. Most introverts can be and are so, as they typically find ways to balance their energy field, getting their energy from within the source of their being, and then sharing that beautiful energy of love with others.
Valerie Varan, MS, LPC, NCC, is a holistic/integrative counselor and coach, and is the author of Living in a Quantum Reality: Using Quantum Physics and Psychology to Embrace Your Higher Consciousness.