4 Ways To Navigate The Gay Dating Scene To Find LOVE (Not Just Sex)
You CAN find true love.

The dating scene is a jungle for all of us, gay or straight. No matter your sexual orientation, we all deserve love and to fall in love with who we are meant to be with, without prejudice. Breaking the stereotype that gay dating is somehow more promiscuous and less about finding the love of one's life is just incorrect.
In the LGBT community, we're looking for the same things as anyone else. But navigating the gay dating scene successfully is entirely possible.
To weed out the time wasters and find the diamonds in the rough, here's how to find love as a gay person.
1. Don’t be a spectator, play the game.
Sitting on the fence will get you nowhere; don’t just watch when the love of your life could be around the next corner and pass you by. Getting yourself out there can be done from home with online dating apps. Just avoid the hookup sites and use a dating site like Love Wins who are dedicated to making love connections for the whole LGBT community.
2. Know yourself and what you want.
Appearance is the first impression to a potential date so always make the most of this as it’s the first and sometimes lasting impression. Don’t be sterile with this; let your personality speak and shine. This will be your calling card.
When going on a date, do not have a laundry list of expectations and wants, as this will create negativity, but you should have your nonnegotiables (which should never exceed what you can count on one hand) and these should consist of practical and not judgmental qualities that you are looking for.
3. Start with clear limits in place.
Finding your limits is key on any date. Getting drunk and making a show of yourself is a total turn-off and a big NO if you want to know how to find love as a gay person. So limit your drinks and always keep this in mind. Of course, one or two drinks will steady the nerves, but leave it at that.
Also, boundary limits are important to making sure people do not take advantage of you. This is key in making you find your forever partner.
4. Don't make sex the goal.
Sex is not the be all and end all of a perfect relationship and if you are serious about finding love, don’t give it all away on the first date. Keeping something for the imagination will help build up the passion, excitement, and make it much more worthwhile in the long run.