5 'Beige Flags' A Woman Is Too Easily Seduced
Are you easy prey for a seducer?

Many of my clients came to me not wanting to get better or get over the "Don Juan" who left them blue but would attempt to use our sessions together to fill the void left after the absence of the love they thought they once had.
After studying The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene, I was able to learn so much about why some women are more likely to be seduced than others and what characteristics make a woman more seducible than another.
Here are 5 'beige flags' a woman is too easily seduced:
1. She's dissatisfied with life
It may be that she is unhappy with her job, her marriage, or life in general...but this single woman who's dating is an easy target for the sophisticated seduction of a man with short-term plans for love in his life.
Women who are dissatisfied with their lives are easy to be seduced because the 'Casanova' simply needs to fill that void or take their minds off of their unhappy reality by creating a fantasy that provides a temporary escape from reality.
If you want a healthy love experience to show up for you, start today and begin falling in love with yourself and your life. If there is something you are dissatisfied with, change it and create the reality you desire...and only then will you be a hard target for a seducer on the loose!
2. She's unhappy all the time
We all know "Debbie Downers" who are so sad all the time and we just want to choke ourselves after being around them for five minutes! They complain about anything and everything and always appear as if their cat just died that morning.
An unhappy person is an easy target because a seducer is a master at distracting them temporarily from their sadness. Many seducers will even play upon a victim's sadness and tell them why the seducer is needed in their lives to bring joy or dependency to the world of the sad single lady.
It is said that life happens to everyone, but it is the way you perceive the events of your life and the meaning you give them that determine if you will be happy or sad. Being sad all the time is a choice that can and will change when you change your focus.
There is always something to be thankful for, so start there and wear a smile on your face. Then more positive experiences will start to be attracted to you, and people!
People are drawn to positive people. According to research, people find happy people more appealing, especially when they look it.
3. She's a people pleaser
As children, we come into this world knowing that we are just fine the way we are, but something happens to remove that self-assurance as we are told to be polite, indirect, and cautious of everything we say, do, or wear.
It has to do with our attachment styles as we grow up. People who are insecurely attached — especially those who fear being rejected by other people — tend to avoid potential rejection by many methods, including people-pleasing, research tells us.
This creates a sense that we must gain the approval of others to be satisfied with ourselves. People-pleasing single women are easy to seduce because once the seducer captures their heart and then pulls back even slightly, the people-pleaser will fight like crazy to gain the affection and attention of her seducer once again.
The attention is intoxicated but the rejection is unbearable and creates an obsession to feel 'good enough' to be loved. Love yourself and don't focus on trying to please others who can't accept you as you are.
Love is not to be earned but given. If someone is unwilling to give to you wholeheartedly, then cut the virus loose so that you are open to receiving the one who will!
4. She believes everything she's told
There is nothing wrong with having a vivid imagination; however, where single women with vivid imaginations go wrong is when they believe everything they are told instead of paying attention to a man's actions.
A seducer plays off of the imagination of a single woman because he can paint a picture of the future they can have together someday, without producing any tangible results at all.
People want to believe in fantasies and in what they are being told. It is the human need within us that hunger to believe a lie when the truth is unappealing.
Date with your eyes wide open and do not ignore the red flags of unfulfilled promises. Pay attention to the actions and ignore the words that fall on dry ground.
5. She's intimate too quickly
Too often, in this new age of casual dating, women are being intimate indiscriminately, but then wonder why they are filled with so much hurt, anger, and resentment.
A seducer preys on a woman with low self-esteem who is looking to be loved and willing to use intimacy to get the love she seeks. A seducer's main goal is intimacy and once he gets what he wants, he is on to his next victim.
Pexels / cottonbro studio
Although being intimate is probably one of the best feelings any person can experience, it is that much greater with the right one who loves and accepts us for whom we are.
When a woman sleeps with someone, she releases oxytocin, which is a chemical also released when a mommy nurses her baby. Oxytocin causes bonding.
Many women are intimate too soon with the wrong man and form a strong bond that is hard to break. Avoid the drama and the target of a seducer by valuing your "v" and everything it represents. Then one day, love will show up at your door!
Shay Levister is the founder and CEO of Shay Better Coaching and has been teaching smart and ambitious ladies for the last 20 years how to strategically position themselves in life and love, with soft power and science-based strategy.