How To Find Her G-Spot In 4 Steps To Give Her An Earth-Shattering Orgasm
It's easier than you think!

The G-spot is responsible for some of the most intense orgasms a woman can have, including squirting, full body, and even (what some women experience as) “spiritual” orgasms — the holy grail of female orgasms — and if you want to make her addicted to your touch, mastering her g-spot is the way to do it.
The problem is that a lot of guys have a hard time finding it and frustration often ends up getting the best of them.
Here’s something most guys don’t realize about the G-spot — the more you stimulate her vulva (everything visible on the outside of the vagina) the more her g-spot will swell up on the inside, becoming easier to find and easier to stimulate.
Here are 4 key steps to bringing her to a G-spot orgasm:
STEP 1. Massage her outsides first
A massage is one of the most intimately powerful weapons in your sexual arsenal. Never underestimate the relaxing, orgasmic potential of a genital massage, specifically targeting the outer labia.
Use both sets of index fingers and thumbs to gently squeeze the outer labia (the lips that’ll have hair if she doesn’t shave). Massage them, pinch them (lightly) and pull them up, down and away from her.
This helps her relax because it shows that she’s “in the hands” of a man who knows how to pleasure the female body and it’ll improve blood circulation to her entire genital region, which will get her more aroused and begin the G-spot swelling.
STEP 2. Begin to massage her inside
Most men do 1 of 2 things when pleasuring a woman with their fingers — either they try to “penetrate” her or they go straight for the G-spot.
Instead, insert a finger, curl it up and turn it as if you’re turning a key to lock or unlock a door. Start clockwise, turning slowly as far as your wrist will go, and then go back counter-clockwise.
You’re basically using the tips of your fingers to push on and expand her vaginal canal — which is another delicious sensation most guys just don’t know about. If she’s really enjoying it, try twisting and thrusting at the same time. Just be sure to start slowly and gain speed as you go along, rather than grinding away as soon as you enter.
STEP 3. Find her G-spot
By now her G-spot should be swelling up into a now-noticeable “balloon." Depending on your girl’s unique body shape, the actual G-spot could be located anywhere from one to three inches inside of her on the roof of her vagina (assuming she’s lying down on her back).
When you find this patch, begin making the “come here” gesture, facing the front wall of the vagina. Don’t expect an instant reaction. In fact, she might feel nothing at all in the beginning. Keep stroking it in a scooping motion.
The more you keep doing this, the more she might think she needs to pee. It’s completely normal because the sensation of female ejaculation feels almost like urination. Make sure she’s relaxed and feels safe, not stressed or self-conscious, and remind her that it’s not really urine.
Just a warning — to avoid shipwreck (namely, real urine) make sure she urinates before G-spot stimulation. That way, you both can be sure it’s not the urge to urinate she feels.
STEP 4. Use both hands to amp up the orgasm
Most men don’t know the G-spot is actually the opposite end of the clitoris and stimulating either one will excite the other. Stimulate both at the same time and your girl is in for some next level pleasure!
Here’s a fun way to do it:
With her lying on her back, place yourself over her in a perpendicular position.
Put the palm of your left hand down on her pubic bone (where the pubic hair grows) and let your fingers of the same hand fall by her clitoris.
Now use your right hand to stimulate her G-spot from the inside. In essence, you will be “massaging” both parts, pushing them towards each other.
With your top hand, massage her clitoral shaft using your thumb and index finger. With the other hand, guide 2 fingers inside of her with your palm facing upwards.
Here’s how to take it to the next level — spread your two fingers (on the inside) apart in a V-shape.
Repeat the same “come here” gesture you used before but this time each finger will be rubbing against the outer edges of her G-spot. Keep making both movements and visualize bringing them both closer together so that the clitoral root is tucked in tight between the 2.
As she starts to come, her hips and pelvis will start to move erratically. Tell her to stay still or add some pressure to your left hand, pressing down on her pubic bone and keeping her “glued” to the bed.
Don’t be surprised if she later tells you that was the most intense orgasm of her life because remember, most guys know very little about how to stimulate a woman's g-spot, much less from different angles.
If you want to be the best she’s ever had, watch this video to learn all 67 ways to make her orgasm first.